ابدأ بتهنئة الجميع وبالاخص ابناء شعبنا من المسيحيين بمناسبة حلول اعياد الميلاد والسنة الجديدة ولايسعني سوى ان اسأل الله الذي لايُسأل سواه ان يعيدها على العراقيين وقد نعموا بالامن والسلام والازدهار.
لقد استلمت رسالة من اخ عزيز واخت عزيزة طلبوا فيها ابقاء الارشيف الخاص بهذا الموقع وهاآنذا اقوم بما طلبوه في رسالتهم الكريمة واشكر لهم ولبقية الاخوة والاخوات سؤالهم عني متمنياً لهم وللجميع كل سعادة وهناء ونجاح.
سيبقى هذا الموقع مغلقاً وحسب الاتفاق مع الاخت الفاضلة الدكتورة فيولا وقد اعود ان سنحت الفرصة للتدوين ولكن على مواقعي الشخصية الاخرى مع تحياتي لكم جميعاً والله الموفق.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
وداعا فنحن قررنا الاغلاق Goodbye, We Decided to Close Down
بعد مشاورة الزميلة الفاضلة الدكتورة فيولا وجدنا ان لاوقت لدينا ولابد ان نسدل الستار على هذا الموقع. اننا ننتهز هذه الفرصة فنتمنى لجميع الاخوة،الاخوات والاصدقاء حياة رائعة، صحية و سعيدة ودمتم في رعاية الله وجميل حفظه.
After consultation with my virtuous colleague Dr. Viola, we found that we have no time and we have to bring down the curtain on this site.We take this opportunity to wish all our Iraqi brothers, sisters & friends a wonderful, healthy, and happy life along with ALLLAH's care and nice save.
After consultation with my virtuous colleague Dr. Viola, we found that we have no time and we have to bring down the curtain on this site.We take this opportunity to wish all our Iraqi brothers, sisters & friends a wonderful, healthy, and happy life along with ALLLAH's care and nice save.
Iraqi Bloggers
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The Best Iraqi Post Award for the Month January / February 2010!!!
Iraqi Birjiwazi has the pleasure to present the Best Iraqi Post Award for the month January / February 2010 to the Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra (INSO) for the following post:
Fuad As-Saden Meets His French Daughter
The post is focuses on a meeting that took place in the Iraqi city of Erbil after 45 years of separation between, Fouad As-Saden, an Iraqi violinist, teacher and one of the early founders of the INSO, and his French daughter.

Fuad As-Saden Meets His French Daughter
The post is focuses on a meeting that took place in the Iraqi city of Erbil after 45 years of separation between, Fouad As-Saden, an Iraqi violinist, teacher and one of the early founders of the INSO, and his French daughter.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Nadia Khafagi and her beautiful Art Tray!
Nadia al-Khafaji, is an Iraqi talented expatriate artist who sings with colors to make some wonderful formations that spread satisfaction and optimism in the human soul.I was first familiar with her art work on her blog Art Tray in June last year as I watched with admiration Um el Abaya which is one of her early works that shows her firm Iraqi affiliation:
نادية الخفاجي، فنانة عراقية مغتربة موهوبة تتغنى بالالوان لتكون تشكيلات رائعة تبعث الارتياح والتفاؤل في النفس البشرية. لقد كان اول عهدي مع نادية واعمالها الفنية من على مدونتها طبق الفن وذلك في شهر حزيران من العام الماضي وكانت ام العباية من الاعمال الاولى التي نشرتها نادية والتي توضح انتمائها العراقي الراسخ:
Nadia loves many thing such as her loveness to the moon and she explains saying:
تحب نادية اشياء كثيرة ومنها القمر حيث توضح ذلك بقولها:
I love the moon and here is my version of it pretty colorful and kind of cute.

Then we have Nadia's beautiful Eyes which are directed toward the City:
وبعد ذلك لديناعيون نادية الجميلة الموجهة نحو المدينة:

And here's she spreads love and distributes roses to everybody:
وهاهي الان تنشر الحب وتوزع الورد للجميع:

"Nostalgia..Neighborhood" is our next stop:
الحنين والجوار هي محطتنا التالية:

We're back now to the colorful "Um el Abaya" but with water melon:
نحن الان نعود الى ام العباية بالالوان ولكن مع فاكهة الصيف الرقي:

No doubt that Nadia won't forget the Iraqi majestic date palm:
لاشك ان نادية لن تنسى النخلة العراقية الشامخة:

Now we have a combination of all them together:
الان لدينا تركيب يضمها جميعاً معاً:

In December 2009 Nadi gives us some good news related to her on line shop "www.arttrayshop.blogspot.com":
في شهر كانون الاول 2009 تعطينا نادية بعض الاخبار الجيدة حول دكانها (متجرها) الالكتروني:
I have been wearying out myself, doing new illustrations, meeting suppliers and setting up my new {art tray-online shop}, arranging old illustrations for my new canvases, setting up marketing plan and checking for new possibilities, while keep playing that mom role…

Needless to say that it's a significant achievement for Nadia.
لاحاجة لنا من القول انه انجاز كبير لنادية
In January 2010 Nadia has been involved in a new attarctive project which is focused on the beautiful Arabic alphabet:
في شهر كانون الثاني 2010 اشتركت نادية في مشروع جذاب يركز على الابجدية العربية الجميلة:

As we're preparing to contest the forthcoming elections let's learn to love each other because we are all Iraqis and our ultimate goal is the service of Iraq and all this's clrea from this wonderful art work of Nadia:
ونحن نستعد لخوض الانتخابات القادمة لنتعلم ان نحب بعضنا البعض لاننا جميعا عراقيون وهدفنا الاساسي هو خدمة العراق وهذا كله واضح من هذا العمل الرائع لنادية :

It's a pleasure to present the Best Iraqi Post Award for the two months December 2009 and January 2010 to the Iraqi talented artist Nadia al-Khafaji for all her good work at the Art Tray:

نادية الخفاجي، فنانة عراقية مغتربة موهوبة تتغنى بالالوان لتكون تشكيلات رائعة تبعث الارتياح والتفاؤل في النفس البشرية. لقد كان اول عهدي مع نادية واعمالها الفنية من على مدونتها طبق الفن وذلك في شهر حزيران من العام الماضي وكانت ام العباية من الاعمال الاولى التي نشرتها نادية والتي توضح انتمائها العراقي الراسخ:
Nadia loves many thing such as her loveness to the moon and she explains saying:
تحب نادية اشياء كثيرة ومنها القمر حيث توضح ذلك بقولها:
I love the moon and here is my version of it pretty colorful and kind of cute.
Then we have Nadia's beautiful Eyes which are directed toward the City:
وبعد ذلك لديناعيون نادية الجميلة الموجهة نحو المدينة:
And here's she spreads love and distributes roses to everybody:
وهاهي الان تنشر الحب وتوزع الورد للجميع:
"Nostalgia..Neighborhood" is our next stop:
الحنين والجوار هي محطتنا التالية:
We're back now to the colorful "Um el Abaya" but with water melon:
نحن الان نعود الى ام العباية بالالوان ولكن مع فاكهة الصيف الرقي:
No doubt that Nadia won't forget the Iraqi majestic date palm:
لاشك ان نادية لن تنسى النخلة العراقية الشامخة:
Now we have a combination of all them together:
الان لدينا تركيب يضمها جميعاً معاً:
In December 2009 Nadi gives us some good news related to her on line shop "www.arttrayshop.blogspot.com":
في شهر كانون الاول 2009 تعطينا نادية بعض الاخبار الجيدة حول دكانها (متجرها) الالكتروني:
I have been wearying out myself, doing new illustrations, meeting suppliers and setting up my new {art tray-online shop}, arranging old illustrations for my new canvases, setting up marketing plan and checking for new possibilities, while keep playing that mom role…
Needless to say that it's a significant achievement for Nadia.
لاحاجة لنا من القول انه انجاز كبير لنادية
In January 2010 Nadia has been involved in a new attarctive project which is focused on the beautiful Arabic alphabet:
في شهر كانون الثاني 2010 اشتركت نادية في مشروع جذاب يركز على الابجدية العربية الجميلة:
As we're preparing to contest the forthcoming elections let's learn to love each other because we are all Iraqis and our ultimate goal is the service of Iraq and all this's clrea from this wonderful art work of Nadia:
ونحن نستعد لخوض الانتخابات القادمة لنتعلم ان نحب بعضنا البعض لاننا جميعا عراقيون وهدفنا الاساسي هو خدمة العراق وهذا كله واضح من هذا العمل الرائع لنادية :

It's a pleasure to present the Best Iraqi Post Award for the two months December 2009 and January 2010 to the Iraqi talented artist Nadia al-Khafaji for all her good work at the Art Tray:
Art Tray,
Iraqi Bloggers,
Nadia al-Khafaji
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I'm back but not totally back!!!
I did n't intend to disappear, for which I'm sorry, but the reality I went again to my country Iraq in relation to my study and when I returned I found myself making a trip to Bahrain, Syria and Lebanon as part of my job. Now, I arrived back here but only to face such a huge backlog of work in my PhD study that I need some way of addressing it sooner and not later.
I'm back but not totally back because I need to look after my study and also my work. Therefore, I will try to find a compromised solution that will give me some space to blog on and visit other blogs.
I will take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and in particular to all the friends who asked about me.
Thank you all!
I'm back but not totally back because I need to look after my study and also my work. Therefore, I will try to find a compromised solution that will give me some space to blog on and visit other blogs.
I will take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and in particular to all the friends who asked about me.
Thank you all!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Waiting For You + An Iraqi Song "I need you"
Whispers For You in I'm Waiting For You .. :
A pair Of Bird sat on my room window ...
A sunny day after long cloudy winter ..
Spring Came with a new romantic weather !,, wet grass ,, green bushes,,colorful flowers and blue pure water oasis ,,
what a wonderful nature is!.
Its wedding party of earth and sky ,,all creature in water,on earth and also at sky celebrates and hangging around with joy,,
angels sounds of dancing, singing and preparing for wed Mass i can hear clearly..
Earth is on its wonderful phase getting ready for long waited day...
Just I woke Up , its march, my everlasting love day... You isnt here this march again? ..
I will wait you next march..
I know for sure that we are still in winter time, however these lines remind me of an Iraqi romantic song belongs to Majid Al Mohandes which also includes a long waiting for the arrival of love and happiness:
’’ محتاجـــــــــــــكI need you ‘‘
محتاجك .. محتاجك
I need you .. I need you
محتاج اشوف عيونك
I need to see your eyes
محتاجك محتاجك
I need you .. I need you
محتاج اشم هدومك
I need you .. I need to smell your clothes
محتاج اشوفك ياضوة عيوني
I need to see you, you the light of my eyes
قلبي وروحي عنك يسألوني
My heart and soul are asking me about you
مثلي تبكي لو نسيت
Do you cry like me or forget
مثلي تسهر لو غفيت
Awake like me or slept
وشلون انام الليل من دونك
And how to sleep the night without you
وشلون اغفى وانا من دونك
And how to close my eyes without you
محتاج حبك يجي يدفيني وارتاح
Need your love to warm and comfort me
ادفع حياتي ثمن بس يرجع اللي راح
I pay my life a price only for our past to come back
I would like to Dedicate the song to some brothers and sisters:
Najma who is Counting at the moment
Attawie & Khalid Jarar
Morbido and her Fiancé
+ Whoever likes it
A pair Of Bird sat on my room window ...
A sunny day after long cloudy winter ..
Spring Came with a new romantic weather !,, wet grass ,, green bushes,,colorful flowers and blue pure water oasis ,,
what a wonderful nature is!.
Its wedding party of earth and sky ,,all creature in water,on earth and also at sky celebrates and hangging around with joy,,
angels sounds of dancing, singing and preparing for wed Mass i can hear clearly..
Earth is on its wonderful phase getting ready for long waited day...
Just I woke Up , its march, my everlasting love day... You isnt here this march again? ..
I will wait you next march..
I know for sure that we are still in winter time, however these lines remind me of an Iraqi romantic song belongs to Majid Al Mohandes which also includes a long waiting for the arrival of love and happiness:
’’ محتاجـــــــــــــكI need you ‘‘
محتاجك .. محتاجك
I need you .. I need you
محتاج اشوف عيونك
I need to see your eyes
محتاجك محتاجك
I need you .. I need you
محتاج اشم هدومك
I need you .. I need to smell your clothes
محتاج اشوفك ياضوة عيوني
I need to see you, you the light of my eyes
قلبي وروحي عنك يسألوني
My heart and soul are asking me about you
مثلي تبكي لو نسيت
Do you cry like me or forget
مثلي تسهر لو غفيت
Awake like me or slept
وشلون انام الليل من دونك
And how to sleep the night without you
وشلون اغفى وانا من دونك
And how to close my eyes without you
محتاج حبك يجي يدفيني وارتاح
Need your love to warm and comfort me
ادفع حياتي ثمن بس يرجع اللي راح
I pay my life a price only for our past to come back
I would like to Dedicate the song to some brothers and sisters:
Najma who is Counting at the moment
Attawie & Khalid Jarar
Morbido and her Fiancé
+ Whoever likes it
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Tuesday's Terrorist Attacks + The Best Iraqi Post Award for the Month Novembr 2009
Tuesday's terrorist attacks on our beloved capital, Baghdad, gets the attention of some Iraqi bloggers. They are Inside Iraq, Iraq Pundit , Last of Iraqis, and briefly Iraqi Mojo.
Again many innocent people lost their lives due to the ineffectiveness of the security forces in our country Iraq .Surely we should n't blame the terrorists because they are brainless killers so the real blame must be directed toward the security forces for their continuous failure to protect our people.
May ALLAH Bless all our martyrs who we lost in these attacks and other similar barbaric attacks.
May Allah also heal the wounded and punish the evil people.
It's a pleasure to present the Best Iraqi Post Award for the month November 2009 to Morbido for her following post:
Off the Market... for good!
It's an intersting post in which she nicely -like a skilled footballer- declared her engagement:
Now I have a ten-day holiday: four days for Eid, and six days are my off days before and after Eid... So nice!! Now this is a much needed holiday, because.... now here's the big news...... I got engaged!! And my engagement party was just yesterday.
Morbido you deserve the Best Iraqi Post Award for the month November 2009 not only for your writing skills but also because we the Iraqis in need for happiness that gives us hope in this difficult time.
May ALLAH Bless You and Your Fiancé and give you both a lifetime of happiness.

There is a need to mention the fact that yay :D, a post written by Attawie and Khalid Jarar and Morbido's Off the Market... for good! are -based on the record- the two best posts for October and November 2009.You see that they are both engagement related posts belong to two friends Attawie and Morbido.They have met during their college time in Baghdad and got engaged during the very same month November 2009!
Again many innocent people lost their lives due to the ineffectiveness of the security forces in our country Iraq .Surely we should n't blame the terrorists because they are brainless killers so the real blame must be directed toward the security forces for their continuous failure to protect our people.
May ALLAH Bless all our martyrs who we lost in these attacks and other similar barbaric attacks.
May Allah also heal the wounded and punish the evil people.
It's a pleasure to present the Best Iraqi Post Award for the month November 2009 to Morbido for her following post:
Off the Market... for good!
It's an intersting post in which she nicely -like a skilled footballer- declared her engagement:
Now I have a ten-day holiday: four days for Eid, and six days are my off days before and after Eid... So nice!! Now this is a much needed holiday, because.... now here's the big news...... I got engaged!! And my engagement party was just yesterday.
Morbido you deserve the Best Iraqi Post Award for the month November 2009 not only for your writing skills but also because we the Iraqis in need for happiness that gives us hope in this difficult time.
May ALLAH Bless You and Your Fiancé and give you both a lifetime of happiness.
There is a need to mention the fact that yay :D, a post written by Attawie and Khalid Jarar and Morbido's Off the Market... for good! are -based on the record- the two best posts for October and November 2009.You see that they are both engagement related posts belong to two friends Attawie and Morbido.They have met during their college time in Baghdad and got engaged during the very same month November 2009!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
A Song Update and It's For BASRAH!!!
NarcelX has on his blog a song for Basrah.He says very little but enough to understnad his love to this unique Iraqi city:
Peace to my baba's hometown. We love you Basra.
Yes, We Love Basrah, As We Do All the Other Iraqi Cities & Towns!!!
Peace to my baba's hometown. We love you Basra.
Yes, We Love Basrah, As We Do All the Other Iraqi Cities & Towns!!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
عالم المدونات العراقية المزدهرEid Al-Adha and The Booming Iraqi Blogsphere!!! Part 2
مرة اخرى ابارك لجميع الاخوان والاخوات حلول عيد الاضحى السعيد اعاده الله على العراقيين جميعا باليمن والبركة والسؤدد ولافراح المستمرة
الرسامة العراقية المبدعة ميس الخالدي .في عمل فني جديد يحمل اسم عازف اللوت

لابد ان نهنيء الزميلة ميس الخالدي على هذا العمل الفني الجميل.
البرجوازي العراقي وهو يكتب عن عودة صديقه حسن الى الرسم:

عاد صديقي الرسام حسن الى الرسم من جديد وهذه اللوحة لطفل كانت قبل ايام ورسمها بالفحم
واللوحة اعلاه هي بعنوان السفينة وهي كانت قبل سنين وهو يعشق الرسم بالالوان الزيتية وآسف على عدم وضوح الصورة لان هذه الصورة هي الوحيدة المتوفرة لهذه اللوحة الاصلية التي رسمها من خياله لتعبر عن السفر الى المجهول.
يوميات مغتربة وهي تردد هذا الدعاء المبارك في بر الوالدين:
بروا آباءكم تبركم أبناءكم! سبحان الله..
اللهم أعنا على بر والدينا.. وارحمهما واغفر لهما وارض عنهما رضاً تحل به عليهم جوامع رضوانك، وتحلهم به دار كرامتك وأمانتك، ومواطن عفوك وغفرانك، وأدر به عليهم لطفك وإحسانك، اللهم يا بر يا رحيم بِرَّهم أضعاف ما كانوا يبروننا، وانظر اليهم بعين الرحمة كما كانوا ينظرون إلينا.
الرسامة هند تعرض بعضاً من لوحات الفنانة العراقية فهيمة العيبي :

رؤى تشكيلية و مقدمة البرامج والفنانة رؤى البازركان وهي تعرض بعض اللوحات الفنية التي هي انعكاس لمفهوم فلسفة الين اليانك الصينية عن ارتباط واعتماد بين اية قوة وضديدها:
الروح العراقية والباحث أمير جبار الساعدي وهو يترجم "خمسة خيارات سيئة للعراق" لمؤلفه دانيال بيمان حيث ان هذه الخيارات هي التالية:
أولا: البقاء في العراق مع نفس المعالجة السياسية ونفس مستوى القوة.
ثانيا: توسيع وجود قوات التحالف والولايات المتحدة بشكل دراماتيكي.
ثالثاً: توسع صغير، ولكن بتغيير أكبر تجاه العمليات المناوئة للإرهاب.
رابعا: الانحسار الى قوة أصغر يكون لديها مهمة محدودة أكثر.
خامساً: الإنسحاب الكامل.
ايفان الدراجي وهي تتحدث عن كتاب كتاب الكاماسوترا وهو مااسمته وجيز علم الجنس الهندي ومن اصدار دار ادبيات للنشر الإلكترتوني حيث قامت الزميلة ايفان بمهمةالاعداد والاخراج الفني
يمكننا التعرف الى ثقافات الشعوب الاخرى من خلال بعض الممارسات الحياتية اليومية البسطية
مثل عادات الاكل, الملبس , ومدى قدسية العلاقة الجسدية بين الجنسين وممارساتها المتنوعة.
هذا الكتاب هو مدخل بسيط للثقافة الهندية .
صنع في العراق وهو يكتب عن ما اسماه "عودة داليدا - حلوة يابلدي" التي يبدو انها لم تكتمل بعد.
شوارع عراقية يتناول موضوعا مهما وهو القنبلة النووية معضلة العالم والكهرباء معضلة العراق حيث يقول :
كل العالم في وادي والعراق في وادي اخر……العالم يتطور ويبني ويبحث ويتقدم والعراق يتخلف راجعا للوراء مئات السنين…كل المشاريع فيه تسرق واوراقها تحرق كل الاموال فيه تنهب في جيوب الايفادات الوهمية…عندنا في العراق في شهر اب اللهاب لاكهرباء وحرارة الجو تصهر الحديد فاي رحمة واي امل ننتظره تنقلب الدنيا ولاتقعد في بلدان لحدوث خروقات في تعامل الحكومات مع شعوبها وعندنا الخروقات حدث ولاحرج.
طيبة محمد علي و سيناريو الوردة لحمراء:
أستيقظ مبتسمة
لأنك وصلت إلي
حاملاً وردة حمراء..
" في أحلامي "
في منزلنا
أنتظر الوردة الحمراء
التي ستأتي حاملها
سأتفاجئ برنة هاتفي..
أنــــــــتِ سما ؟؟
" نعم "
أه أنا أسف أنني طبيب في المشفى
إياد قد عمل حادث ونادى بإسمكِ
أركض أبحث عنك
وتغرقني الدموع
لأجدك في سرير أبيض كلون أحلامنا
تحرك أناملك التي تتغزل بشعري كل مساء
وتطلب أن يأتوا بمعطفك
الوردة الحمراء
سأُقبل يديك التي حملتها
كم أحبك !
خاتون وهي تعود بعد غيبة طويلة في رسالة مفتوحة الى صديقها العزيز البرجوازي العراقي جاء فيها :
أولاً أحب أشكر البرجوازي على مشاعره الطيبة و سؤاله عني، و الأغنية الحزينة اللي ما فاهمة منها شي و اللي تعبته و هو كاعد يترجم، شنو هاي رح ابجي على روحي، لا جديات الدمعة بعيني هسة..
أما مشكلة غيابي، و (دعوني أسميها مشكلة) فخلوني أفضفض لكم..
مشكلتي في الحياة إنني كلش مزاجية، و هذا ما يجعلني أهتم جداً بأمر معين و لفترة، و بعدها أبتعد عنه و حتى أحس بالتضايق من متابعته.
مزاجيتي و ضعف متابعتي لبعض الأمور في الحياة متعبتني يا جماعة، و يا ريت أي واحد يلقالي جارة بيها لأن محاولاتي الشخصية باءت بالفشل
نوفل :في شعرحول الدنيا الحزينة
ما لي ولهذهِ الدُنيا اللعينة ؟
الضحكةُ فيها حزينة
والدمعة فيها سكينة
العزيمة فيها تعني الهلاك
والكسل يعني هزيمة
يا دُنيا
لم أرى فيكِ ما يُغريني
سوى فضول يقتُلُني
وهو الذي ساقني
عمر وهو يكتب عن في مغامرته المستمرة:
وانهمك السائق ومعاونه في اصلاح العطل فيما انهمك الركاب في التدخين. كنت اراقب عن كثب مايفعله السائق ومعاونه من اجل اصلاح المحرك وقد سمعت الاول يقول للثاني ان يأته بخشبة والتفت هذا فيما حوله فوجد خشبة صغيرة مكعبة الشكل بطول 20 سم وعرض 10 تقريبا وقام السائق بتثبيتها في مكان ما في المحرك فانطلق هديره على الفور فقال السائق على الفور سبحان لله يعني هذه السيارة لاتعطل الا في هذا المكان وامام هذه الخشبة يعني ربك اراد ان تعطل هنا وان تجد الدواء هنا فقلت له بل ان السيارة تحتاج الى صيانة دورية وهو امر يبدو انك لاتفعله بل تنتظر حتى تعطل عندها فقط تحرك ساكنا .
Some English Updates
MixMax at Iraq The Lasting Love in a fantastic presentation about the Iraqi Food. I leave with quotes from his post together with some beautiful pictuere:
I start with one of the most famous Iraqi dishes, Masgouf. It is a whole-skewered fish barbecued on an outdoor grill. It is known mainly by Baghdadis in Abu Nuas street, where restaurants and cafe’s stretching along the bench of river Tigris.
There are two types of Kleecha I know of which used to be baked back then when I was in Iraq: one stuffed with dates, another is stuffed with sugar and walnut.
In addition, Kleeche won’t be complete or considered tasty, in my opinion, until it is served with hot tea, not coffee or anything else. Don’t you agree?

Zarda has never been one of my favorites, but many families adore it because of the combination and taste of it.

Speaking of Iraqi bread, that’s how people in villages and public places and even bakeries not long time ago bread was made.
Son of Tigris celebrates Thanksgiving:
Babylonian Princess in an honest declaration:
Who was I kidding? I'm just not cut out for it! I want med. school and this time I want to be sure. I don't want anything to stop me. No more distractions!
BP is too busy these days:
Ugh! I have tons of things to finish this weekend!
I need miracles!
Dr. Viola and a Good morning Miss pure heart! in which she asks Allah for FORGIVENESS and GUIDANCE:
God ,please forgive me ! please guide me!
She talks about her life:
These few days life has welcomed me and opened her wide gate , I don't know if I'm ready to see her ugly face ,,, but I'll face it sooner or later ! my innocence will end today or tomorrow! I'm gonna grow up this minute or the next !
She goes further, suggesting that a change is coming:
I used to say I will never change , I will be as my dad and mom have brought me up ! but I just can't ! my pure heart has no place among these black ones…. Oh , I can't imagine how I was a fool ! yes, innocent one is a fool with privilege !!!!!
Then Dr. Viola regards this year as test for herself
I can consider this year as a test for me , and I wonder If i even can pass this test without failure !!!!
Dr. Viola, I'm sure you pass successfully this test and many other tests.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Eid Al-Adha and The Booming Iraqi Blogsphere!!! Part 1
Eid Al-Adha
Nadia at Art Tray is the first Iraqi blogger to celebrate Eid Al-Adha "Festival of Sacrifice" or "Greater Eid". She shows the following amazing art work:

Happy Eid Al-Adha to all the Iraqi people and their brothers,sisters and friends.
Nadia also in a recent post, talks about a good day for her floweres:

I was really excited that my flowers made it to my all time fav' blog (since I got into the blogging thing)Big thanks to {print and pattern} for having me on board, and for all the inspiration :)
Also my flowers made its way to a local publisher who used it for their theme {gardens of hope} In a local book fair... :)
Noor El Qamar is busy with the preperations for Eid AL-Adha:
We began the usual Eid preperations yesterday cleaning the entire house and also making Eid desserts. My sister and I helped our Mom make the kalicha an Iraqi dessert that your most likely going to find in every Iraqi house around Eid time:

Just be aware that the above Klaicha is taken from google images but it's Klaicha any way.
عالم المدونات العراقية المزدهر!!!
الجزء الاول
مدونات جديدة، قصص جادة واخرى طريفة، لوحات ومتابعات فنية، صور جميلة، شعر وجداني ، اخبار شخصية وغير ذلك من المواضيع التي لاشك تدل بوضوح على ازدهار عالم التدوين العراقي.
The Bomming Iraqi Blogsphere!!! Part 1
New blogs,serious and intersting stories, paintings and art reviews, pretty pictures, sentimental poetry, personal news and other topics which undoubtedly indicate clearly the booming and prosperity of the Iraqi blogosphere.
التهاني لجميع المدونين العراقيين
Congratulation to all the Iraqi bloggers.
Shams is back after a long disapperance and in a promising Arabic poetry writing.
شمس تعود بعد طول غياب وهذه المرة على هيئة شعر ينبض بعواطفها الجياشة والصاخبة في نفس الوقت وذلك من على صفحات مدونتها IntotheSun فتقول وهي تتحدى الرجال والاقدار:
مال....و إلتوى طريقي...
فسكبت قهوتي على جريدتي...
و قبلت كفي – وجه و قفا - لأحمد ربي
ها أنا في الحياة
و أتحدى الرجال
و الاقدار
و بصبغة قهوتي أرسم مستقبل الاوطاني
مجاهدة بحرية و اشرب كأسي لا أبالي
فكري نور طريقي
و في جوفي رسمت وردة بتصميمي
و سوف تبقى حية ترزق فماءها و شمسها من حناني
و إصراري...
لأعيش.....لأعيش و في جوفي وردة
و أنا إمرأة
Sandona in a thank declaration:
Thank you all, something you gave, so much could save.
Baba called us yesterday, the last medical report says that my mother is completely recovered..
Mama called us today, talked to everyone, I have not heard her voice for two months, things refused to strengthen the tongue to speak, but things finally have obeyed.
Thanks for everyone prayed for us, everyone thought of us, thanks for your support and encouragement. Thanks so much!
Sandona you know we all love you and we pray all the time to ALLLAH to bless you and your family.
Attawie in her way to meet up with her fiancé Khalid Jarar faced with a “unexpected” problem:
We were the only family there weighing our bags the woman on the counter said "you may leave to Amman but I'm afraid the old lady won't" We all had huge exclamation marks over our heads. She added "Her passport is an S"
It was an annoying experience overall, nevertheless, Attawie kept her smile:
Attawie was standing distributing smiling here and there and announcing "I'm the bride".
It seems the smiles succeed in putting a happy ending to the story and they all arrived happy and safe in Amman.
HNK these days, is called a Drug designer:
“You are a drug designer “she (Dr. Nehad) said this word in each times she entered the class, and with each time she went out..
It seems she's -as a pharmacy student - happy with the new nick name:
Pharmacy students = drug designer!! * Really nice*
HNK explains further:
I have been dreaming of being a house designer, a clothes designer, an artist. But I have never thought that in becoming a pharmacist I will be a drug designer!!
3eeraqimedic after preparing a Curtained pilau pie says:

There really is not better treatment for depression than inviting friends over for a meal.Like many of our traditional dishes this is a unique mixture of borrowed, adapted and improved.
Touta in an intersting story about her firts ever friend who happened to be an Iraqi Jew:
I was staring at a guy when the memory came flooding back. He gave me a smile, and i turned away, half trying to smile back, half not caring.
Why did I remember now?
It was 1995 perhaps, where i made my first friend- my first friend who wasn't part of my family.
Then she gets a wise declaration from her mum:
She laughed and told me..'as long as you're alive, and he's alive, you might see each other one day. Life is strange'.
These are a few of my favourite things and a sleepy child:

And also in the most recent post, we have a chance to see the following picture for a green autumn:

Mosel 4 All has some news:hello all of you, I miss the BLOG world and all my internet world it was very long time since I have write any post in my blogs. We had moved to new house and we still waiting till we get the internet service in our new house, the house is really comfort and every thing is elegant but we are facing problems with establishing net connection.
As to the study She announces herself as a half doctor:
this new year I become officially 1/2 doctor
She also describes the 3rd year of the Medical college:
this year (3rd stage at medical college) is so funny and I am enjoying my time in the college and in the hospital. We are learning how to get communication with patients and trying to relieve some of their pain by nice words and good treatment and in the same time try to rich the level of knowledge in which we can heal some one.
Baghdad Bacon & Eggs and a Bad Luck Tapping:
Seems as though this time of year can be just plain bad luck for me. Something I'll check by reviewing previous posts.
It could be due to the Drugs on the farm

I've been hearing about a flower that people plant for its nice smell and that is also a drug. This is the first one I've seen. There's a story of a little girl that ate some of these flowers and died. The farmer's could also be pulling my leg.
Well, If you love to get rid of your bad luck and if you don't want your leg to be pulled any further, just remove the poisonous plant.
Dr. Viola is BORN AGAIN:
My "this year" birthday was so special ! it's the first time i celebrate it without my family _haven't i say i'm adult now?!_after some days a freind of mine surprised me with a fantastic news , he has just had a baby sister and he named her as my name .... she has born nearly at the same day of mine , her name is the same and i feel part of me is there born with her....
Her current year is totally different:
every thing this year is different , me .. myself is different from head to toe
Happy Birthday Dr. Viola!!!
Saminkie at Skies has a book entitled "“The Jewish Market Quarter” by Jamal Abdul-Razaq Al Bedri:

“The Jewish Market Quarter” by Jamal Abdul-Razaq Al Bedri is not a novel, like the cover says, but is an autobiography of the writer who was born in Samarra early in this century in a Muslim family. He told us about his mother friend “Sit (=Teacher) Najeya” who is also their neighbor. Every time she visited them she would bring candies to the children who liked her very much. Sit Najeya and her family suddenly said one day that they would leave to Baghdad. They went in 1951 and never came back. They went to Israel because they were Jewish.
The book gives reasons for the departure of the Iraqi Jews:
The book didn’t tell us about the cause of the leaving but it is clear from other references: “Al Farhood” and the governmental new law of withdrawing the Iraqi nationality from all the Jews.
The Iraqi Future joins our list of Iraqi bloggers writing in English.He talks in his recent post about an old Kurdish friend:
When I was in elementary school, I had a friend called “Tawan.” Even thought Towan lived in Baghdad, he was Kurdish. He looked like a Kurd and spoke like one. I don’t remember anything about my friendship with Tawan other than playing soccer, walking down the streets of my neighborhood, and exchanging/ playing video games. Our parents became friends through us and they paid each other visits on regular basis. I had never heard them argue or fight about, Kurdish and Arab affairs. They drank tea, smoked cigarettes, and laughed loudly. I am not painting you a picture of a happy community, Tawan was actually my friend and years after, I still remember him while I have forgotten most of my friends from Baghdad.
Nadia at Art Tray is the first Iraqi blogger to celebrate Eid Al-Adha "Festival of Sacrifice" or "Greater Eid". She shows the following amazing art work:

Happy Eid Al-Adha to all the Iraqi people and their brothers,sisters and friends.
Nadia also in a recent post, talks about a good day for her floweres:

I was really excited that my flowers made it to my all time fav' blog (since I got into the blogging thing)Big thanks to {print and pattern} for having me on board, and for all the inspiration :)
Also my flowers made its way to a local publisher who used it for their theme {gardens of hope} In a local book fair... :)
Noor El Qamar is busy with the preperations for Eid AL-Adha:
We began the usual Eid preperations yesterday cleaning the entire house and also making Eid desserts. My sister and I helped our Mom make the kalicha an Iraqi dessert that your most likely going to find in every Iraqi house around Eid time:
Just be aware that the above Klaicha is taken from google images but it's Klaicha any way.
عالم المدونات العراقية المزدهر!!!
الجزء الاول
مدونات جديدة، قصص جادة واخرى طريفة، لوحات ومتابعات فنية، صور جميلة، شعر وجداني ، اخبار شخصية وغير ذلك من المواضيع التي لاشك تدل بوضوح على ازدهار عالم التدوين العراقي.
The Bomming Iraqi Blogsphere!!! Part 1
New blogs,serious and intersting stories, paintings and art reviews, pretty pictures, sentimental poetry, personal news and other topics which undoubtedly indicate clearly the booming and prosperity of the Iraqi blogosphere.
التهاني لجميع المدونين العراقيين
Congratulation to all the Iraqi bloggers.
Shams is back after a long disapperance and in a promising Arabic poetry writing.
شمس تعود بعد طول غياب وهذه المرة على هيئة شعر ينبض بعواطفها الجياشة والصاخبة في نفس الوقت وذلك من على صفحات مدونتها IntotheSun فتقول وهي تتحدى الرجال والاقدار:
مال....و إلتوى طريقي...
فسكبت قهوتي على جريدتي...
و قبلت كفي – وجه و قفا - لأحمد ربي
ها أنا في الحياة
و أتحدى الرجال
و الاقدار
و بصبغة قهوتي أرسم مستقبل الاوطاني
مجاهدة بحرية و اشرب كأسي لا أبالي
فكري نور طريقي
و في جوفي رسمت وردة بتصميمي
و سوف تبقى حية ترزق فماءها و شمسها من حناني
و إصراري...
لأعيش.....لأعيش و في جوفي وردة
و أنا إمرأة
Sandona in a thank declaration:
Thank you all, something you gave, so much could save.
Baba called us yesterday, the last medical report says that my mother is completely recovered..
Mama called us today, talked to everyone, I have not heard her voice for two months, things refused to strengthen the tongue to speak, but things finally have obeyed.
Thanks for everyone prayed for us, everyone thought of us, thanks for your support and encouragement. Thanks so much!
Sandona you know we all love you and we pray all the time to ALLLAH to bless you and your family.
Attawie in her way to meet up with her fiancé Khalid Jarar faced with a “unexpected” problem:
We were the only family there weighing our bags the woman on the counter said "you may leave to Amman but I'm afraid the old lady won't" We all had huge exclamation marks over our heads. She added "Her passport is an S"
It was an annoying experience overall, nevertheless, Attawie kept her smile:
Attawie was standing distributing smiling here and there and announcing "I'm the bride".
It seems the smiles succeed in putting a happy ending to the story and they all arrived happy and safe in Amman.
HNK these days, is called a Drug designer:
“You are a drug designer “she (Dr. Nehad) said this word in each times she entered the class, and with each time she went out..
It seems she's -as a pharmacy student - happy with the new nick name:
Pharmacy students = drug designer!! * Really nice*
HNK explains further:
I have been dreaming of being a house designer, a clothes designer, an artist. But I have never thought that in becoming a pharmacist I will be a drug designer!!
3eeraqimedic after preparing a Curtained pilau pie says:
There really is not better treatment for depression than inviting friends over for a meal.Like many of our traditional dishes this is a unique mixture of borrowed, adapted and improved.
Touta in an intersting story about her firts ever friend who happened to be an Iraqi Jew:
I was staring at a guy when the memory came flooding back. He gave me a smile, and i turned away, half trying to smile back, half not caring.
Why did I remember now?
It was 1995 perhaps, where i made my first friend- my first friend who wasn't part of my family.
Then she gets a wise declaration from her mum:
She laughed and told me..'as long as you're alive, and he's alive, you might see each other one day. Life is strange'.
These are a few of my favourite things and a sleepy child:
And also in the most recent post, we have a chance to see the following picture for a green autumn:

Mosel 4 All has some news:hello all of you, I miss the BLOG world and all my internet world it was very long time since I have write any post in my blogs. We had moved to new house and we still waiting till we get the internet service in our new house, the house is really comfort and every thing is elegant but we are facing problems with establishing net connection.
As to the study She announces herself as a half doctor:
this new year I become officially 1/2 doctor
She also describes the 3rd year of the Medical college:
this year (3rd stage at medical college) is so funny and I am enjoying my time in the college and in the hospital. We are learning how to get communication with patients and trying to relieve some of their pain by nice words and good treatment and in the same time try to rich the level of knowledge in which we can heal some one.
Baghdad Bacon & Eggs and a Bad Luck Tapping:
Seems as though this time of year can be just plain bad luck for me. Something I'll check by reviewing previous posts.
It could be due to the Drugs on the farm
I've been hearing about a flower that people plant for its nice smell and that is also a drug. This is the first one I've seen. There's a story of a little girl that ate some of these flowers and died. The farmer's could also be pulling my leg.
Well, If you love to get rid of your bad luck and if you don't want your leg to be pulled any further, just remove the poisonous plant.
Dr. Viola is BORN AGAIN:
My "this year" birthday was so special ! it's the first time i celebrate it without my family _haven't i say i'm adult now?!_after some days a freind of mine surprised me with a fantastic news , he has just had a baby sister and he named her as my name .... she has born nearly at the same day of mine , her name is the same and i feel part of me is there born with her....
Her current year is totally different:
every thing this year is different , me .. myself is different from head to toe
Happy Birthday Dr. Viola!!!
Saminkie at Skies has a book entitled "“The Jewish Market Quarter” by Jamal Abdul-Razaq Al Bedri:
“The Jewish Market Quarter” by Jamal Abdul-Razaq Al Bedri is not a novel, like the cover says, but is an autobiography of the writer who was born in Samarra early in this century in a Muslim family. He told us about his mother friend “Sit (=Teacher) Najeya” who is also their neighbor. Every time she visited them she would bring candies to the children who liked her very much. Sit Najeya and her family suddenly said one day that they would leave to Baghdad. They went in 1951 and never came back. They went to Israel because they were Jewish.
The book gives reasons for the departure of the Iraqi Jews:
The book didn’t tell us about the cause of the leaving but it is clear from other references: “Al Farhood” and the governmental new law of withdrawing the Iraqi nationality from all the Jews.
The Iraqi Future joins our list of Iraqi bloggers writing in English.He talks in his recent post about an old Kurdish friend:
When I was in elementary school, I had a friend called “Tawan.” Even thought Towan lived in Baghdad, he was Kurdish. He looked like a Kurd and spoke like one. I don’t remember anything about my friendship with Tawan other than playing soccer, walking down the streets of my neighborhood, and exchanging/ playing video games. Our parents became friends through us and they paid each other visits on regular basis. I had never heard them argue or fight about, Kurdish and Arab affairs. They drank tea, smoked cigarettes, and laughed loudly. I am not painting you a picture of a happy community, Tawan was actually my friend and years after, I still remember him while I have forgotten most of my friends from Baghdad.
Eid Al-Adha,
Iraqi Bloggers
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Best Iraqi Post Award for the Month October 2009
It's a pleasure to present the Best Iraqi Post Award for the month October 2009 to Attawie and Khalid Jarar for their following post:
yay :D
Ya naaaas! Ya 3alaaaaam!
KJ mal Atta o Atta mal KJ! :D
Hey People! Hey World!
KJ For Atta & Atta For KJ!
It's so simple but meaningful and written in the beautiful and dynamic Iraqi local Arabic language.
Attawie and Khalid Jarar you deserve the Best Iraqi Post Award for the month October 2009 because your post, despite it's simplicity, is so powerful and gives us happiness and hope in a difficult time.
May ALLAH Bless Your Life Together.
Iraqi Bloggers,
The Best Iraqi Post Award
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The Best Iraqi Post Award for the Month October 2009
It's a pleasure to present the Best Iraqi Post Award for the month October 2009 to Attawie and Khalid Jarar for their following post:
yay :D
Ya naaaas! Ya 3alaaaaam!
KJ mal Atta o Atta mal KJ! :D
Hey People! Hey World!
KJ For Atta & Atta For KJ!
It's so simple but meaningful and written in the beautiful, powerful and dynamic Iraqi local Arabic language.
Attawie and Khalid Jarar you deserve the Best Iraqi Post Award for the month October 2009 because your post gives us happiness and hope in a difficult time.
May ALlAH Bless Your Life Together.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday's Terrorist Attacks + Abbassian Vicious attack and more from the Iraqi Blogsphere
Firts of all, I would like to thank my honorable colleague Dr. Viola for minding the blog during my month holiday.
Sunday's terrorist attacks on our beloved capital, Baghdad, got the attention of some Iraqi bloggers. They are Sandybelle, Last of Iraqis, Baghdad Dentist, and Iraqi Mojo.
It's so painful whenever there's innocent people losing their lives due to the incompatibilities and ineffectiveness of the security forces in our country Iraq . Don't blame the terrorists because they are brainless killers so the blame should be directed toward the security forces for their continuous failure to protect our people.
May ALLAH accept the people who we lost in these attacks and other similar barbaric attacks among his martyrs and give the wounded a speedy recovery.
Abbas Hawazin conducting a vicious attack on the Iraqi blogsphere:
It doesn't deserve to be called a blogosphere anymore, it's more of a bogosphere, whenever I get the urge to scribble about anything, and I start wrestling with words on the draft page
Abbas blames the Iraqi bloggers for his failure to produce:
I get to take a look at what the bogosphere is being occupied with at the moment and a quiet sigh of shame results in my hitting the delete button faster than you could say...[creative burnout]
He goes on describing the new Iraqi bloggers:
a huge saccharine patch of what I could only describe as bland filler, the technology seems to have finally caught up with a new swath of Iraqis, those johnny-come-latelys mostly blog in Arabic, and are just as chaotic as you'd expect any honest-to-Rafidain Iraqis to be.
Then he talks about indexing service:
it's funny, the Iraqi Blogosphere now has four index services (five, if you count Jeffrey et CMAR's defunct blog, another sign of the hallowed halls of dud it had become) but absolutely no content to show for all that indexing, that's why I've lost interest
Abbas doesn't spare anything including the awards:
I think I'm annoyed because I seem to view this from a sort of authoritative point of view, those people are boring, but they're dilligent, they want to conquer our realm with their reviews, indexes and awards.
Needless to say that Abbas is fully entitled to his views on the Iraqi blogsphere even if they contradict those of many Iraqi bloggers.Myself, I believe strongly that the Iraqi blogsphere is healthy and alive and there are a lot of good bloggers out there.
I have to say that to get the attention of the international media is not always a sign of strength. Most of the time they are looking for crisis and problems and if they are not there, it may be a sign of improvement in the situation of our country.
If you are a good doctor you won't stop treating your patients just because your colleagues are bad doctors.The fact of the matter here is that Abbas is so busy with other important things which preventing him from continuing blogging on a much regular basis.
Abbas you need to back off a bit because there is an enormous wealth in friendships that we all must know.If your colleagues are too weak and lacking the skills to compete globally then I wonder why you don't help them? Surely they are not looking for money, just use your gifted skills to show us some good quality posts that are not controversial.
I have to say that by creating the Iraqi blog update, we're not looking to have power of any kind. All what we want here is to to promote peace, love and harmony among all Iraqi people and in particular the community of the Iraqi bloggers.
The award has nothing to do with any imposed or stolen authorization of any sort.In actual fact, I asked many collagues to be in charge of the award, unfortunately, they either apologized or didn't even send a reply.However, I should explain that the award is a simple way to say thank you to our colleagues who are trying their best to post some thing which is of value and useful for all of us.
These are a few of my favourite things is out with friends after which she posts the following beautiful picture:
HNK and her current academic year:
Third stage in Pharmacy college seems bretty much better than the second stage with it's more interesting subjects and better teachers. But I still have that problem with a douzen of unread lectures waiting to be studied..
Sami at Skies has an intersting interview with Jack Abboudi Shabi, the Iraq first psychiatrist.The interview was originally conducted in 1957 and I picked from it the following quotes:
The doctor came back to Iraq in 1934, and the patients, were under the mercy of Sheikhs like Al Tuayjuri and Sheik Gumar, who were treating their patients with violent hitting, because they believed that the illness is caused by a Jenni inside the patients body
In 1964 an iraqi doctor named Najeeb Al Yakoubi had done the first operation in brain in Iraq and in all the Middle East and that was by cutting the nerve fibers that connect the emotion centre to the brain cortex
Doctor Jack Aboudi then opened a subject rarely opened by other doctors and that was when he started talking about the Associations and the doctor raises a question why don’t we in Iraq start an association of mental illness prevention?
I asked him another question:
Who are affected more with mental illnesses men or women?
He answered: women… due to social causes related to culture and tranditions, and in many times the women is affected by a mental illness during pregnancy and delivery.
Mosul 4 all blog has started working in the hospital:
This week was amazing I went to Ibn Sina hospital in mosul (General hospital) to take history from some patients and communicate with them.
She also bought "a really good new stethoscope from MDF for a 20$":
It's the birthday of Micho:
Happy Birthday Micho.We wish you a happy life full of adventures together with your husband.
Hammorabi posts about the message of Islam:
Islam shows you the perfect path for happiness and satisfaction. The highest relation set up by Islam is that one which is between you and the Lord of the universe. By Islam you learn how to contact Him at any time and how to achieve His response to your requests. If you are unwell He will listen to your prayers and if you need Him to give you salvation and comfort from any problem or misery or difficulty He will be there for you in Islam at any time and any place. Islam shows you how to come closer to Allah so that He will even become closer to you than your own self!
He continues by saying:
Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon Him and his family) is the comforter that Jesus (Peace be upon Him) mentioned and requested us to follow him. He was selected by Allah to deliver the highest values for mankind. It is all in the Holy Quran so you just need to read it.
Touta outlines the type of Iraqi relationships:
1. No Pain, No Gain:
this relationship is basically a guy and a girl becoming girlfriend and boyfriend. Don't get too excited though, this relationship is usually one sided.
2.Sexy Time:
This relationship usually revolves around...well, lust. This is almost the rarest type of relationship (suprise suprise). This relationship is usually initiated by the guy, and rarely involves each side talking to each other normally.
3.Familiar Friends:
This relationship is a friendship between iraqi guys and girls. It will be full of hypocrisy as the guy in this relationship will always be judgemental and at times tyrranical.
4.Marry me!
This is a relationship that involves each side shyly getting to know one another. It then follows by underhand glances, and engagement, and then marriage. It mainly involves a lukewarm passion, based on a foundation of appreciation of one another.
This is the rarest rarest type of relationship between guys and gals. Even rarer than the sex relationship. In this type of relationship, neither guy or girl will have to think about what they're doing with the other..i.e. they can be completely themselves without any barriers. Of course Love exists in different ways, and so the outcome of this relationship also depends on the type of Love involved.
In order to be taken into account, I think such findings and conclusions should be resulted from a scientific study that includes a survey of hundreds if not thousnads of people from different geographical, social, and cultural backgrounds who are engaged in relationship.
Attawie is very excited after the birth of her niece:
I can't wait to see my niece!
She's a cutie. I love her already.
My sister and her baby are both in good health alhamdulillah.
Attawie also announces her name:
It took them 24 hours to give her a name! and what a lovely name; Lean, Leann, Leeann, Lee Anne. still not sure of the spelling.
Only 24 hours?! That's a record low, some times it takes weeks.
3eeraqimedic writes about referees:
The need for referees for every new job proved over the years to be the most effective way of silencing any possible complaints against all manner of bullying and harassment from senior consultants, until eventually having worked in so many centres we had amassed a number of names from whom to choose.
She concludes by diclaring "the most difficult question we face?":
Who can we safely ask to be our referees?
Thoughts from Baghdad as he remembers his life in Baghdad:
I left Baghdad and the tutoring job, with Firas being engaged and considering applying for his TOEFLs to study abroad. I later found out that he made it to the Sorbonne for his PhD (don't know in what field). But I also found out that his family received a special visa to travel to the States. And his mom found her death, not in bloody Baghdad but in bloody NY
Baghdad's Kassakhoon posts in relation to the new government in the Iraqi Kurdistan region:
Iraq's former deputy prime minister, Dr. Barham Salih and his 20-Minister Cabinet sworn in today before the parliament of the self-ruled northern Kurdish region as the region's sixth government since 1992.
Noor el Qamar and her favourit song "I wanna live in a land called paradise" as she gives the following introductory explanation:
It's the story of my life this song, it's the reason I keep living in this strange earth we have between the people I love and those I just can't understand....the tears the smiles the memories the love the hate the crimes and the fate..............
Then you have the chance to hear the song and read the lyrics as you listen:
I won't cry over a world that can't change my life/I put my money on what lies ahead in paradise...I wanna live in a land called paradise/I wanna go to the valley of the King/ I wanna live in a land called paradise/wanna see the birds fly/and I wanna hear the angels sing....
Nadia is gone on a mini vacation and will be back in two weeks time leaving behind a nice piece of art for us:
She hopes that:
this short break will be inspirational.
Packed with new bright ideas and subjects…
Nadia, Have a nice holiday full of joy!!!
Marsho commemorates the annevirsary of her mother on her blog and gives some very important advice to everybody:
If your MOM is still alive, don't upset her!
She calls on her mother by saying:
Mom, once I got an email regarding my flight to the States I can't tell you how confused and sad I was! I should have been happy instead knowing that I will reunite with my husband after all but believe me it was like some one was stabbing my heart with a dagger. I realized that I would not be able to visit your grave whenever I want to! At that day to be exact I decided to go and visit the grave for the last time :(
May Allah bless her soul in peace.
Son of Tigris is promoting friendship:
Heading to the gym? Well, don’t forget to take along your friend, for a new study has claimed that exercising with a partner boosts weight loss. To reach that conclusion, Professor Shiriki Kumanyika and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, conducted the two-year trial. The study included 344 men and women.
“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”
Iraqi Mojo talks about UN investigates "foreign involvement" in terrorism in Iraq":
Four years after it was determined that half of suicide bombers in Iraq are Saudi and most enter Iraq via Damascus, a "U.N. special envoy has met with top Iraqi officials to discuss government complaints of outside involvement in the recent wave of terrorism. Official figures, just released, show the number of terror casualties doubled for the month of October.
He explains:
Iraqi officials are praising the mission of U.N. envoy Oscar Fernandez-Taranco to Baghdad to investigate allegations of foreign involvement in recent bloody suicide bombings. Taranco's arrival follows lengthy lobbying by the government to hold an independent international inquiry.
Ikram Kurdi at Quran Club in an [Plato quote]:
I like this quote.
It is not just you and I
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."-Plato.
جديد المدونات العراقية بين هجومين احدهما ارهابي والآخر عباسي مع اخبار اخرى متفرقة
باديء ذي بدء لابد لي من شكر زميلتي الفاضلة الدكتورة فيولا على عنايتها بهذا الموقع طيلة الشهر الماضي خلال غيابي في عطلتي السنوية.
مرة اخرى تتعرض بغداد الحبيبة الى عمل ارهابي وحشي غادر ذهب ضحيته المئات من ابناء شعبنا الابرياء ولابد من القول ان الاجهزة الامنية تتحمل مسؤولية هذا الفشل المتواصل في حماية المواطن العراقي المغلوب على امره.
رحم الله شهدائنا واسكنهم الجنة ودعائنا الصادق لجرحانا بالشفاء العاجل والخزي والعار والنار للارهابيين القتلة.
شن الاخ عباس هوازن هجوما قاسياً غير مبرر على زملائه من المدونين العراقيين وبلا شك فانه حر في طرح ارائه ولكن الحقيقة ان كثيراً من المدونين العراقيين لايوافقونه ارائه هذه.ولقد كتبت رداً مفصلاً على ما كتبه في القسم الانكليزي اعلاه ولااريد تكرار كل شيء ولكني اود القول اني اؤمن ايماناً راسخاً بان عالم التدوين العراقي ينبض بالحياة وبصحة عالية حيث ان هناك العديد من المدونين المبدعين في الساحة يتمتعون بالكفاءة والمقدرة.
ومادام الحديث بيننا كعراقيين فاني اود ان اقولها صادقاً وباللهجة العراقية المحببة اي عباس انت متكلي شخسران نفط بنزين اشو كوكل ماادري غوغل ليل ونهار تكول تعالوا شخبطوا وخربطوا على راحتكم يعني منو يصدك انت مسوي اضراب عن الكتابة يابة شنو الموضوع؟ عيني مو غير عباس يكول صارت كلمن الة ياهو اليجي وسوالة مدونة!
عجيب اي شكو بيهة الحركة بركة والناس احرار ولقد قال عز من قائل:
(اما الزبد فيذهب جفاء واما ما ينفع الناس فيمكث في الارض)
وهنا لابد لي من التوضيح اننا هنا في هذه المدونة لانسعى لاي من الماديات الزائلة حيث ان الهدف الوحيد هو اشاعة السلم والمحبة بين المدونين العراقيين وعموم ابناء الشعب العراقي.
يبقى موضوع الجائزة الذي يحتاج الى شيءٍ من التوضيح حيث انها فقط تمثل تثميناً وتقديراً وشكراً لجهود زملائنا من الذين يسعون الى كتابة شيء ذو قيمة وفائدة لنا جميعاً والباب مفتوح للجميع للاشراف بشكل كامل على عملية تقديم الجائزة للمواضيع الشهرية الفائزة.
والله الموفق
الرسامة العراقية المبدعة ميس الخالدي في عمل فني جميل يحمل اسم تارا
يوميات مغتربة و كلمات اعجبتها ودعتها للتفكير :
"المستقبل لا يعلمه إلا الله، وهو وحده يكشفه، في ظروف غير عادية. ولكن كيف يمكنني التنبؤ بالمستقبل؟ بفضل إشارات الحاضر. ففي الحاضر يكمن السر، وإذا تنبهت إلى حاضرك، أمكنك جعله أفضل مما هو عليه. ومتى حسَّنت الحاضر، فإن ما يأتي، بعد ذلك، يكون أفضل أيضاً. إنس المستقبل، وعش كل يوم من حياتك وفق أحكام الشريعة، متكلاً على رحمة الله بعباده، فكل يوم يحمل الأبدية في صميمه".
الخيميائي – باولو كويلو
الرسامة هند تستمر قدماً في عرض اللوحات الفنية وذلك من موقعها الالكتروني ومنها هذه اللوحة للفنان جيرمي مان :
رؤى تشكيلية والرسامة رؤى البازركان في سمفونية الالوان الصاخبة:
د. وجدان الخشاب وحكاية "الكاهنة تُؤشِّرُ" حيث تختمها بقولها:
الكاهنة لملمت بخورها ... أحجارها ... كتيباتها المصفرّة .. روائح النهرِ .. رؤاه... رؤاها ... خبأتها في دولابٍ لم تعرف الشمس طريقاً لكشف خباياه ... أقفلته لعل ذاكرتها تفرغَ تماماً ... فينتهي ليلها النهاري بنداءٍ مدوٍّ يخترق الفضاءات ترددهُ السمكة مع (فانون) :
أترى ؟
أصبحت الثورة ضرورية وممكنة في عالمٍ (ي) بات يعي أنّه ليس أمامه ما يخسره غير أغلالهِ
ايفان الدراجي تكتب عن:
شعب من المخلوقات المتناهية الصغر يدعى الـ " هو – " تعيش على ذرّة غبار داخل زهرة!
ولتنطلق مسرعة في تخيلاتها:
ماذا لو كنّا نحن الـ " بشر – human beings" نعيش حقا على ذرّة غبار داخل زهرة ما..
من الذي يحملنا؟
من الذي يحمينا؟
متى صرخنا معلنين عن وجودنا؟؟
الباحث أمير جبار الساعدي من على الروح العراقية
يواصل الكتابة عن القانون الدولي الإنساني وهنا فانه يتصدى للاجابة على سؤال مهم جد يتعلق بموقف اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر من التعذيب والمعاملة السيئة:
ترفض اللجنة الدولية استعمال التعذيب وغيره من أشكال المعاملة السيئة في جميع الأحوال.وتؤمن اللجنة الدولية بأن احترام الحياة والكرامة الإنسانية يتعارض مع أي تبرير للمعاملة السيئة.
وتلك هي الحجج التي تستند إليها اللجنة الدولية في تبرير موقفها:
* ينتهك التعذيب والمعاملة السيئة أبسط مبادئ الإنسانية واحترام الحياة والكرامة الإنسانية، وهي مبادئ يتعيّن الحفاظ عليها في جميع الأوقات.
* التعذيب والمعاملة السيئة محظوران في كل مكان وفي جميع الأوقات. ويعد ذلك أحد الخصائص الأكثر كونية للقانون الدولي والقوانين الوطنية على السواء.
* إن المعاناة الناجمة عن التعذيب وغيره من ضروب المعاملة السيئة قد تترتب عليها اضطرابات عميقة لدى الضحايا ربما استمرت لسنوات. وقد ينتج عن الضرر البدني والنفسي الناجم عن ذلك احتياج الضحية لإعادة تأهيل على المدى الطويل.
* يُرَجّح أن تتضرّر الصورة الدولية للدولة التي تلجأ للمعاملة السيئة، على النحو الذي يؤثر سلباً على مصداقيتها وقدرتها على الانخراط في علاقات مع الدول الأخرى.
* إن التعذيب وغيره من ضروب المعاملة السيئة قد يحدّ من رغبة السكان في التعاون مع السلطات. بل إن اللجوء إلى سوء المعاملة ربما أضعف في الحقيقة أولئك الذين يمارسونه عن طريق إثارة السخط لدى أولئك الذين كان يراد احتواؤهم.
* من شأن أي استعمال للتعذيب وغيره من ضروب المعاملة السيئة أن يؤدي إلى تآكل تحريمه على نحو يمكن أن يترتب عليه شيوع استعماله أكثر.
Sunday's terrorist attacks on our beloved capital, Baghdad, got the attention of some Iraqi bloggers. They are Sandybelle, Last of Iraqis, Baghdad Dentist, and Iraqi Mojo.
It's so painful whenever there's innocent people losing their lives due to the incompatibilities and ineffectiveness of the security forces in our country Iraq . Don't blame the terrorists because they are brainless killers so the blame should be directed toward the security forces for their continuous failure to protect our people.
May ALLAH accept the people who we lost in these attacks and other similar barbaric attacks among his martyrs and give the wounded a speedy recovery.
Abbas Hawazin conducting a vicious attack on the Iraqi blogsphere:
It doesn't deserve to be called a blogosphere anymore, it's more of a bogosphere, whenever I get the urge to scribble about anything, and I start wrestling with words on the draft page
Abbas blames the Iraqi bloggers for his failure to produce:
I get to take a look at what the bogosphere is being occupied with at the moment and a quiet sigh of shame results in my hitting the delete button faster than you could say...[creative burnout]
He goes on describing the new Iraqi bloggers:
a huge saccharine patch of what I could only describe as bland filler, the technology seems to have finally caught up with a new swath of Iraqis, those johnny-come-latelys mostly blog in Arabic, and are just as chaotic as you'd expect any honest-to-Rafidain Iraqis to be.
Then he talks about indexing service:
it's funny, the Iraqi Blogosphere now has four index services (five, if you count Jeffrey et CMAR's defunct blog, another sign of the hallowed halls of dud it had become) but absolutely no content to show for all that indexing, that's why I've lost interest
Abbas doesn't spare anything including the awards:
I think I'm annoyed because I seem to view this from a sort of authoritative point of view, those people are boring, but they're dilligent, they want to conquer our realm with their reviews, indexes and awards.
Needless to say that Abbas is fully entitled to his views on the Iraqi blogsphere even if they contradict those of many Iraqi bloggers.Myself, I believe strongly that the Iraqi blogsphere is healthy and alive and there are a lot of good bloggers out there.
I have to say that to get the attention of the international media is not always a sign of strength. Most of the time they are looking for crisis and problems and if they are not there, it may be a sign of improvement in the situation of our country.
If you are a good doctor you won't stop treating your patients just because your colleagues are bad doctors.The fact of the matter here is that Abbas is so busy with other important things which preventing him from continuing blogging on a much regular basis.
Abbas you need to back off a bit because there is an enormous wealth in friendships that we all must know.If your colleagues are too weak and lacking the skills to compete globally then I wonder why you don't help them? Surely they are not looking for money, just use your gifted skills to show us some good quality posts that are not controversial.
I have to say that by creating the Iraqi blog update, we're not looking to have power of any kind. All what we want here is to to promote peace, love and harmony among all Iraqi people and in particular the community of the Iraqi bloggers.
The award has nothing to do with any imposed or stolen authorization of any sort.In actual fact, I asked many collagues to be in charge of the award, unfortunately, they either apologized or didn't even send a reply.However, I should explain that the award is a simple way to say thank you to our colleagues who are trying their best to post some thing which is of value and useful for all of us.
These are a few of my favourite things is out with friends after which she posts the following beautiful picture:
HNK and her current academic year:
Third stage in Pharmacy college seems bretty much better than the second stage with it's more interesting subjects and better teachers. But I still have that problem with a douzen of unread lectures waiting to be studied..
Sami at Skies has an intersting interview with Jack Abboudi Shabi, the Iraq first psychiatrist.The interview was originally conducted in 1957 and I picked from it the following quotes:

The doctor came back to Iraq in 1934, and the patients, were under the mercy of Sheikhs like Al Tuayjuri and Sheik Gumar, who were treating their patients with violent hitting, because they believed that the illness is caused by a Jenni inside the patients body
In 1964 an iraqi doctor named Najeeb Al Yakoubi had done the first operation in brain in Iraq and in all the Middle East and that was by cutting the nerve fibers that connect the emotion centre to the brain cortex
Doctor Jack Aboudi then opened a subject rarely opened by other doctors and that was when he started talking about the Associations and the doctor raises a question why don’t we in Iraq start an association of mental illness prevention?
I asked him another question:
Who are affected more with mental illnesses men or women?
He answered: women… due to social causes related to culture and tranditions, and in many times the women is affected by a mental illness during pregnancy and delivery.
Mosul 4 all blog has started working in the hospital:
This week was amazing I went to Ibn Sina hospital in mosul (General hospital) to take history from some patients and communicate with them.
She also bought "a really good new stethoscope from MDF for a 20$":
It's the birthday of Micho:
Happy Birthday Micho.We wish you a happy life full of adventures together with your husband.
Hammorabi posts about the message of Islam:
Islam shows you the perfect path for happiness and satisfaction. The highest relation set up by Islam is that one which is between you and the Lord of the universe. By Islam you learn how to contact Him at any time and how to achieve His response to your requests. If you are unwell He will listen to your prayers and if you need Him to give you salvation and comfort from any problem or misery or difficulty He will be there for you in Islam at any time and any place. Islam shows you how to come closer to Allah so that He will even become closer to you than your own self!
He continues by saying:
Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon Him and his family) is the comforter that Jesus (Peace be upon Him) mentioned and requested us to follow him. He was selected by Allah to deliver the highest values for mankind. It is all in the Holy Quran so you just need to read it.
Touta outlines the type of Iraqi relationships:
1. No Pain, No Gain:
this relationship is basically a guy and a girl becoming girlfriend and boyfriend. Don't get too excited though, this relationship is usually one sided.
2.Sexy Time:
This relationship usually revolves around...well, lust. This is almost the rarest type of relationship (suprise suprise). This relationship is usually initiated by the guy, and rarely involves each side talking to each other normally.
3.Familiar Friends:
This relationship is a friendship between iraqi guys and girls. It will be full of hypocrisy as the guy in this relationship will always be judgemental and at times tyrranical.
4.Marry me!
This is a relationship that involves each side shyly getting to know one another. It then follows by underhand glances, and engagement, and then marriage. It mainly involves a lukewarm passion, based on a foundation of appreciation of one another.
This is the rarest rarest type of relationship between guys and gals. Even rarer than the sex relationship. In this type of relationship, neither guy or girl will have to think about what they're doing with the other..i.e. they can be completely themselves without any barriers. Of course Love exists in different ways, and so the outcome of this relationship also depends on the type of Love involved.
In order to be taken into account, I think such findings and conclusions should be resulted from a scientific study that includes a survey of hundreds if not thousnads of people from different geographical, social, and cultural backgrounds who are engaged in relationship.
Attawie is very excited after the birth of her niece:
I can't wait to see my niece!
She's a cutie. I love her already.
My sister and her baby are both in good health alhamdulillah.
Attawie also announces her name:
It took them 24 hours to give her a name! and what a lovely name; Lean, Leann, Leeann, Lee Anne. still not sure of the spelling.
Only 24 hours?! That's a record low, some times it takes weeks.
3eeraqimedic writes about referees:
The need for referees for every new job proved over the years to be the most effective way of silencing any possible complaints against all manner of bullying and harassment from senior consultants, until eventually having worked in so many centres we had amassed a number of names from whom to choose.
She concludes by diclaring "the most difficult question we face?":
Who can we safely ask to be our referees?
Thoughts from Baghdad as he remembers his life in Baghdad:
I left Baghdad and the tutoring job, with Firas being engaged and considering applying for his TOEFLs to study abroad. I later found out that he made it to the Sorbonne for his PhD (don't know in what field). But I also found out that his family received a special visa to travel to the States. And his mom found her death, not in bloody Baghdad but in bloody NY
Baghdad's Kassakhoon posts in relation to the new government in the Iraqi Kurdistan region:
Iraq's former deputy prime minister, Dr. Barham Salih and his 20-Minister Cabinet sworn in today before the parliament of the self-ruled northern Kurdish region as the region's sixth government since 1992.
Noor el Qamar and her favourit song "I wanna live in a land called paradise" as she gives the following introductory explanation:
It's the story of my life this song, it's the reason I keep living in this strange earth we have between the people I love and those I just can't understand....the tears the smiles the memories the love the hate the crimes and the fate..............
Then you have the chance to hear the song and read the lyrics as you listen:
I won't cry over a world that can't change my life/I put my money on what lies ahead in paradise...I wanna live in a land called paradise/I wanna go to the valley of the King/ I wanna live in a land called paradise/wanna see the birds fly/and I wanna hear the angels sing....
Nadia is gone on a mini vacation and will be back in two weeks time leaving behind a nice piece of art for us:
She hopes that:
this short break will be inspirational.
Packed with new bright ideas and subjects…
Nadia, Have a nice holiday full of joy!!!
Marsho commemorates the annevirsary of her mother on her blog and gives some very important advice to everybody:
If your MOM is still alive, don't upset her!
She calls on her mother by saying:
Mom, once I got an email regarding my flight to the States I can't tell you how confused and sad I was! I should have been happy instead knowing that I will reunite with my husband after all but believe me it was like some one was stabbing my heart with a dagger. I realized that I would not be able to visit your grave whenever I want to! At that day to be exact I decided to go and visit the grave for the last time :(
May Allah bless her soul in peace.
Son of Tigris is promoting friendship:
Heading to the gym? Well, don’t forget to take along your friend, for a new study has claimed that exercising with a partner boosts weight loss. To reach that conclusion, Professor Shiriki Kumanyika and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, conducted the two-year trial. The study included 344 men and women.
“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”
Iraqi Mojo talks about UN investigates "foreign involvement" in terrorism in Iraq":
Four years after it was determined that half of suicide bombers in Iraq are Saudi and most enter Iraq via Damascus, a "U.N. special envoy has met with top Iraqi officials to discuss government complaints of outside involvement in the recent wave of terrorism. Official figures, just released, show the number of terror casualties doubled for the month of October.
He explains:
Iraqi officials are praising the mission of U.N. envoy Oscar Fernandez-Taranco to Baghdad to investigate allegations of foreign involvement in recent bloody suicide bombings. Taranco's arrival follows lengthy lobbying by the government to hold an independent international inquiry.
Ikram Kurdi at Quran Club in an [Plato quote]:
I like this quote.
It is not just you and I
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."-Plato.
جديد المدونات العراقية بين هجومين احدهما ارهابي والآخر عباسي مع اخبار اخرى متفرقة
باديء ذي بدء لابد لي من شكر زميلتي الفاضلة الدكتورة فيولا على عنايتها بهذا الموقع طيلة الشهر الماضي خلال غيابي في عطلتي السنوية.
مرة اخرى تتعرض بغداد الحبيبة الى عمل ارهابي وحشي غادر ذهب ضحيته المئات من ابناء شعبنا الابرياء ولابد من القول ان الاجهزة الامنية تتحمل مسؤولية هذا الفشل المتواصل في حماية المواطن العراقي المغلوب على امره.
رحم الله شهدائنا واسكنهم الجنة ودعائنا الصادق لجرحانا بالشفاء العاجل والخزي والعار والنار للارهابيين القتلة.
شن الاخ عباس هوازن هجوما قاسياً غير مبرر على زملائه من المدونين العراقيين وبلا شك فانه حر في طرح ارائه ولكن الحقيقة ان كثيراً من المدونين العراقيين لايوافقونه ارائه هذه.ولقد كتبت رداً مفصلاً على ما كتبه في القسم الانكليزي اعلاه ولااريد تكرار كل شيء ولكني اود القول اني اؤمن ايماناً راسخاً بان عالم التدوين العراقي ينبض بالحياة وبصحة عالية حيث ان هناك العديد من المدونين المبدعين في الساحة يتمتعون بالكفاءة والمقدرة.
ومادام الحديث بيننا كعراقيين فاني اود ان اقولها صادقاً وباللهجة العراقية المحببة اي عباس انت متكلي شخسران نفط بنزين اشو كوكل ماادري غوغل ليل ونهار تكول تعالوا شخبطوا وخربطوا على راحتكم يعني منو يصدك انت مسوي اضراب عن الكتابة يابة شنو الموضوع؟ عيني مو غير عباس يكول صارت كلمن الة ياهو اليجي وسوالة مدونة!
عجيب اي شكو بيهة الحركة بركة والناس احرار ولقد قال عز من قائل:
(اما الزبد فيذهب جفاء واما ما ينفع الناس فيمكث في الارض)
وهنا لابد لي من التوضيح اننا هنا في هذه المدونة لانسعى لاي من الماديات الزائلة حيث ان الهدف الوحيد هو اشاعة السلم والمحبة بين المدونين العراقيين وعموم ابناء الشعب العراقي.
يبقى موضوع الجائزة الذي يحتاج الى شيءٍ من التوضيح حيث انها فقط تمثل تثميناً وتقديراً وشكراً لجهود زملائنا من الذين يسعون الى كتابة شيء ذو قيمة وفائدة لنا جميعاً والباب مفتوح للجميع للاشراف بشكل كامل على عملية تقديم الجائزة للمواضيع الشهرية الفائزة.
والله الموفق
الرسامة العراقية المبدعة ميس الخالدي في عمل فني جميل يحمل اسم تارا
يوميات مغتربة و كلمات اعجبتها ودعتها للتفكير :
"المستقبل لا يعلمه إلا الله، وهو وحده يكشفه، في ظروف غير عادية. ولكن كيف يمكنني التنبؤ بالمستقبل؟ بفضل إشارات الحاضر. ففي الحاضر يكمن السر، وإذا تنبهت إلى حاضرك، أمكنك جعله أفضل مما هو عليه. ومتى حسَّنت الحاضر، فإن ما يأتي، بعد ذلك، يكون أفضل أيضاً. إنس المستقبل، وعش كل يوم من حياتك وفق أحكام الشريعة، متكلاً على رحمة الله بعباده، فكل يوم يحمل الأبدية في صميمه".
الخيميائي – باولو كويلو
الرسامة هند تستمر قدماً في عرض اللوحات الفنية وذلك من موقعها الالكتروني ومنها هذه اللوحة للفنان جيرمي مان :
رؤى تشكيلية والرسامة رؤى البازركان في سمفونية الالوان الصاخبة:
د. وجدان الخشاب وحكاية "الكاهنة تُؤشِّرُ" حيث تختمها بقولها:
الكاهنة لملمت بخورها ... أحجارها ... كتيباتها المصفرّة .. روائح النهرِ .. رؤاه... رؤاها ... خبأتها في دولابٍ لم تعرف الشمس طريقاً لكشف خباياه ... أقفلته لعل ذاكرتها تفرغَ تماماً ... فينتهي ليلها النهاري بنداءٍ مدوٍّ يخترق الفضاءات ترددهُ السمكة مع (فانون) :
أترى ؟
أصبحت الثورة ضرورية وممكنة في عالمٍ (ي) بات يعي أنّه ليس أمامه ما يخسره غير أغلالهِ
ايفان الدراجي تكتب عن:
شعب من المخلوقات المتناهية الصغر يدعى الـ " هو – " تعيش على ذرّة غبار داخل زهرة!
ولتنطلق مسرعة في تخيلاتها:
ماذا لو كنّا نحن الـ " بشر – human beings" نعيش حقا على ذرّة غبار داخل زهرة ما..
من الذي يحملنا؟
من الذي يحمينا؟
متى صرخنا معلنين عن وجودنا؟؟
الباحث أمير جبار الساعدي من على الروح العراقية
يواصل الكتابة عن القانون الدولي الإنساني وهنا فانه يتصدى للاجابة على سؤال مهم جد يتعلق بموقف اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر من التعذيب والمعاملة السيئة:
ترفض اللجنة الدولية استعمال التعذيب وغيره من أشكال المعاملة السيئة في جميع الأحوال.وتؤمن اللجنة الدولية بأن احترام الحياة والكرامة الإنسانية يتعارض مع أي تبرير للمعاملة السيئة.
وتلك هي الحجج التي تستند إليها اللجنة الدولية في تبرير موقفها:
* ينتهك التعذيب والمعاملة السيئة أبسط مبادئ الإنسانية واحترام الحياة والكرامة الإنسانية، وهي مبادئ يتعيّن الحفاظ عليها في جميع الأوقات.
* التعذيب والمعاملة السيئة محظوران في كل مكان وفي جميع الأوقات. ويعد ذلك أحد الخصائص الأكثر كونية للقانون الدولي والقوانين الوطنية على السواء.
* إن المعاناة الناجمة عن التعذيب وغيره من ضروب المعاملة السيئة قد تترتب عليها اضطرابات عميقة لدى الضحايا ربما استمرت لسنوات. وقد ينتج عن الضرر البدني والنفسي الناجم عن ذلك احتياج الضحية لإعادة تأهيل على المدى الطويل.
* يُرَجّح أن تتضرّر الصورة الدولية للدولة التي تلجأ للمعاملة السيئة، على النحو الذي يؤثر سلباً على مصداقيتها وقدرتها على الانخراط في علاقات مع الدول الأخرى.
* إن التعذيب وغيره من ضروب المعاملة السيئة قد يحدّ من رغبة السكان في التعاون مع السلطات. بل إن اللجوء إلى سوء المعاملة ربما أضعف في الحقيقة أولئك الذين يمارسونه عن طريق إثارة السخط لدى أولئك الذين كان يراد احتواؤهم.
* من شأن أي استعمال للتعذيب وغيره من ضروب المعاملة السيئة أن يؤدي إلى تآكل تحريمه على نحو يمكن أن يترتب عليه شيوع استعماله أكثر.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Best Iraqi Post Award, september 2009
Best Iraqi Post Award september 2009 is
Memorable Mistakes
Thanks Touta for your special post and congratulation!
Monday, October 5, 2009
A New Taste
It's supposed me is the one who chooses the winner ,butThis month the "Best Iraqi Post Award for SEPTEMBER 2009 " has a differnt taste.
I leave the readers to choose the best ones and then to decide the winner within 3 days .
other wise it'll be chosen at the end of this week inshallah .
it'll increase the stir in Iraqiblosphere.
With many thanks
I leave the readers to choose the best ones and then to decide the winner within 3 days .
other wise it'll be chosen at the end of this week inshallah .
it'll increase the stir in Iraqiblosphere.
With many thanks
Friday, October 2, 2009
Newly to Iraqi blogsphere
Every Time, I accsess into Iraqi blogers' profiles , I find new ones .... Hopefully It contines like this
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
وفاة المدون العراقي ابا نهاد رحمه الله وجولة في آخر ماكتبه المدونون العراقيون اواخر شهر ايلول 2009
اود اعلام الجميع بانني ساغادر في اجازتي السنوية ولمدة شهر حيث ستكون خلالها زميلتي الفاضلة الدكتورة فيولا مسؤولة بشكل كامل عن هذا الموقع وحسب مايسمح به وقتها ودراستها.
والذي اود قوله بهذه المناسبة هو ان هذا الموقع سيبقى محافظاً على نهجه في الاستقلالية والحيادية وعدم تبني اية مواقف سياسية تؤدي الى الفرقة والبغضاء وسيكون هدفنا هو جعل هذا الموقع بيتاً تسوده الألفة والمحبة والتضامن والتآزر ولكافة المدونين العراقيين الذين يحترمون الكلمة و دورها الهام في بناء عراق مزدهر يتمتع فيه جميع مواطنيه بحياة حرة كريمة.
اقول قولي هذا واتمنى للجميع الخير الوفير انشاء الله.
انتقل الى رحمة الله الواسعة المرحوم ابا نهاد صاحب مدونةجان نهاد حيث نعاه صديقه الوفي الاخ صباح يونس بالكلمات التالية:
ببالغ الاسى والاسف رحل عنا الاخ والصديق الوفي ابو نهاد على اثر اصابته بجلطه قلبيه صباح اليوم وفاضت روحه الى ربها وبناءا على توصيته لي وتكليفي ان اكتب الخبر في مكتوب ومدونته وكان يلح على هذا الامر لهذا اديت الامانه (وان لله وان اليه راجعون ) وقال اريد من كل من يزور صفحتي ان يقرأ عليا سورة الفاتحه ,,,اخر كلماته كانت قال ان صمت رهيب يحاصرني عندي الكثير لكي اتكلم ولكنني لااستطيع كان قدري ان اعيش في صمت واحزن ولكن لااريد ان اموت في صمت ,,,,سابكيك ياابو نهاد العمر كله انا ايضا كما كنت تقول عن نهاد ستلتقى بنهاد ولن تبكي بعد اليوم لقد تركت البكاء لي رحمك الله ايها الصديق الوفي والاخ
فراقك سيكون صعب لي ,اخوك وصديقك صباح يونس
تقبل الله الفقيد المرحوم ابا نهاد في رحمته الواسعة واسكنه فسيح جناته والهم اهله ومحبيه الصبر والسلوان وانا لله وانا اليه راجعون.
.وكان آخر مانشره الفقيد هو سطور قليلة تحت عنوان مناجاة حيث تضمنت التالي
أحتمال ان يغرس احدهم شوكا في جسدك او ان يغرس انيابه في قلبك محتمل جدا او ان يضحك لأنك تبكي,فترى دنياك شديدة القسوه محتمل جدا ايضا ان يهجمك عدو بانياب ضاربه في لحظه مباغته فترى الدنيا غابه موحشه او متوحشه حينها تسال نفسك ,,,ماذا فعلت مع كل هولاء الناس ,,ولكن الاجابه معروفه ,,لم اكن سوى انسانا طيبا وواضحا وبسيطا,ولكن النتيجه تحتار في واقعك الغريب وتكون من الخاسرين كما جرى معي.....؟؟؟ ورغم ذلك تبقى انت كبيرا وما هولاء الا نموذج من قبيح البشر ان للكون رب لاتاخذه سنه ولانوم يراك من حيث لاتراه يعلم بخفايا النفوس ويجيب دعوة المظلوم والمضطرب اذا دعاه او لجاء اليه,,,,لان في حياتنا الكثير من البشر ممكن ان ننصدم بهم ,,؟؟؟
رحم الله من قرا السورةالمباركة الفاتحة
احتفى المدونون العراقيون من على مدوناتهم بحلول عيد الفطر السعيد وكما نرى في المواقع التالية: الروح العراقية، يوميات مغتربة، التجارة الألكترونية والتسويق الشبكي، الكاتبة العراقية د. وجدان الخشاب، نوفل، من قطرات الكاتبة عبير عبد الغفور ويالله عيني سولفلنا.
لايسعنا سوى ان نقول للجميع مرة اخرى كل عام وانتم بخير واعاده الله عليكم باليمن والبركة والافراح الدائمة.
عودة متحف الفن العراقي المعاصر من جديد ونبذة عن حياة الفنان العراقي عبد القادر الرسام:

عبد القادر الرسام (1882 - 1952)هو رسّام عراقي ولد في بغداد ودرس الفن إلى جانب العلوم العسكرية في المدرسة الحربية في اسطنبول , اشتهر في اسلوبه الكلاسيكي في رسم المناظر الطبيعية واحيانا التي يتخللها اشخاص متاثرا بفن الاوربي واستخدامه الالوان المقتضبة والداكنة والتاكيد على الظل والضوء والدقة في رسم التفاصيل .
همسات دافئة تكتب عن الغروب فتقول:

ها هو الغروب جاء معلناً نهاية فصل النور
فقد تم احتضار الوقت
ببطيء شديد
لينشر َ للــ وجود خبره العاجل
و صمت ٌ تطرق ُ له الروح
بــ ألم
في زاوية ما من ذاكرتي
يقبع ُ الظلام كــ سكين حديد
من قطرات الكاتبة عبير عبد الغفور وهي تكتب شذراتها محتفلة بعيد الفطر المبارك حيث تتضمن بعضاً مــما تعتبره اجمل الكلمات التــي قرأتــهاهي:
* اليــوم والليلة صفحة من صفحات حياتك فأكتب بها ماتشــاء .
* لا تكـــن الـــرأس في كـــل الامــور … لان الـــرأس كثيــر الاوجاع
* ليــس المهــم كيف تمســك القلم ولكــن المهــم كيف تكتــب بــه
* العقل خــير صاحب والادب خيــر ميــراث والثقــة بالنفس جوهــرة البطولـــة
* اجمـــل مافي النخلة انها توحي الى العظمـــة والشمـــوخ
* اقـــوى ريـــاح ريـــاح الحــق
* اول الغضب جنون واخــره نـــدم
* قائـــد الامم اخــلاقها وطباعهـا لاحكومتها
* الزمــن كعقارب الســاعة لايرجــع الى الــوراء .
نوفل فيما يعتبره اجمل ماقيل من شعر في عيد الفطر وهو قول الشاعر البحتري مادحاً المعتصم:
بالبر صمت وأنــــــت أفضل صائم ... و بسنة الله الرضية تفطـــــــــر
فانـــعــم بــــيوم الفطر عيدا انه ... يوم أغـــر من الزمـــــان مشهر
د. وجدان الخشاب وهي تعرض بعضاً من صورها:

مدونة بغداد تنشر صوراً لمترو ُدبي الذي افتتح مؤخراً وتحت عنوان مليء بالامل المشروع في رؤيه شبيهه او احسن منه في بغداد الحبيبة:
مترو دبي - ننتظر مترو بغداد

التجارة الالكترونية والتسويق الشبكي وخبر عن قيام جامعة الكوفة بتنظيم ندوة بخصوص التجارة الالكترونية في العراق وقد جاء فيه:
قامت جامعة الكوفة ندوة علمية بشأن التجارة الالكترونية بعنوان (التجارة الالكترونية في العراق فرص وتحديات) على قاعة رئاسة الجامعة الكبرى.
وقال ليث محمد رضا مدير مركز الحاسبة الالكترونية بجامعة الكوفة " ان الهدف من اقامة هذه الندوة تسليط الضوء على مفاهيم التجارة الالكترونية التقنية والأسس التي ترتكز عليها واليات التعامل التجاري الالكتروني وسبل الارتقاء والتطوير المتاحة للنهوض بواقع التجارة الالكترونية".
و تضمنت الندوة عدة محاور منها المحور التكنولوجي الذي سلط الضوء على معظم مفاهيم التجارة الالكترونية وسبل الارتقاء والتطوير المتاحة للنهوض بواقع التجارة الالكترونية وحفظها من أيدي المتلاعبين والقراصنة
وفي موضوع لاحق تحت عنوان جامعيات يبتكرن وسائل للكسب السريع لقهر البطالة وملء فراغ الوقت جاء فيه:

ابتكرت مجموعة من الفتيات السعوديات طريقة جديدة لشغل أوقاتهن وتحسين أوضاعهن المادية، تكمن في استغلال مواقع التجمعات الإنترنتية النسائية بالترويج للمنتجات الخاصة غير المتوفرة في الأسواق المحلية مع عرض طريقة التواصل التي تسهل مهمة التفاوض بين التاجرة وعميلاتها والاستعلام عن كيفية تسليم المنتج المطلوب في الوقت المتفق عليه. وإن كان غالبية ما يعرض يشمل الفساتين والحقائب الجلدية المستوردة من لبنان وزيوت الشعر التي يحضرنها من الهند إضافة لكريمات التخسيس وتفتيح لون البشرة المجلوبة من شرق آسيا.
الحياة هي في مكان أخر ورنا كامل وهي تكتب عن نساء متوشحات بالسواد بين أبيها و أمها وقد ورد فيها:
بين أبي و أمي نساء متوشحات بالسواد و النميمة و درجات سلم قديم راسخة في
الأرض، هناك بينهما مقطوعات لموزارت و باخ
مجموعة أفلام مترشحة للأوسكار إختطفت مني فترات شرب الشاي الجماعي
و الأحاديث غير المجدية و غير المؤذية
يوميات مغتربة ومحررتها زهرة الراوي وهي تكتب عن موضوع مهم جداً تحت عنوان المدارس الأجنبية .. ولغة أولادنا جاء فيه:

المؤسف والمحطم للقلب أن البنات العربيات لا يعرفن الكتابة ولا القراءة بلغتهن الأم!!! يعني لديهم الحد الأدنى فقط من المعرفة بهذ اللغة، ويؤسفني القول أنهن لسن فطحل بالإنجليزية لكن أعطيهن جيد جداً رغم أن حلم الأهالي كان أن يتحدثن الإنجليزية كأهلها، أماعندما جلبت لهن قصص جميلة باللغة العربية البسيطة (قصص من قصصنا ونحن صغار مالت دائرة الثقافة العراقية) واجهن صعوبة بالغة في القراءة، يستطعن التهجي لكنهن يدمجن الكلمات أحياناً، وهذا فقط القراءة بينما فهم ما قرأن كان يساوي 1% !
رؤى تشكيلية و مقدمة البرامج والفنانة رؤى البازركان وهي تعرض عدداً من اللوحات التشكيلية الغنية بالوانها تحت عنوان وجوه:

ميس الخالدي في عمل ابداعي جديد:

يواصل الباحث أمير جبار الساعدي ومن على مدونته الروح العراقية عرض ترجمتة لكتاب أربعة حروب والعد مستمر إعادة النظر في المعنى الأستراتيجي للحرب على العراق لمؤلفه أنتوني . كورد سمان حيث ورد في جانب منه:
كانت الولايات المتحدة والتحالف "متفاجئأن بالمحتوم". وكتب الصحفيون والمحللون ممن لا تجربة لهم بالحرب غير المتكافئة تقارير حول الاستراتيجيات والتكتيكات الجديدة والمتطورة وهي طرق ثبت جدواها فعلاً، وتقارير اخرى عن تكتيكات جديدة استغلها أنصار النظام السابق بشكل ما منذ سقوط النظام. وتجدر الأشارة أنه ليس الحرب غير المتكافئة وحدها التي ترتكز على استغلال ضعف أي عدو لكن النجاح يرتكز على التغيير المستمر لمجموعة من التكتيكات التي تشكل الأستراتيجية العامة وبذلك تتقلص نسبة التعرض للهجوم وفي نفس الوقت استغلال المناطق التي يتركها العدو مكشوفة.
يستمر البرجوازي العراقي في تناول المواضيع الشيقة ومنها عرضه مجموعة من الصور الجوية لبلدنا الغالي العراق وقد طلب المساعدة لتحديد مواقع بعضاً من هذه الصور الجميل والتي منها هذه الصورة لفندق بابل الواقع في بغداد كرادة خارج:

وفي موضوع لاحق يكتب متهكماً البرجوازي العراقي عن:
اتكيت الانترنت الاسلامي في السعودية

لم يخطر على بالي ولا لحظة واحدة ان هذا المستوى من التطور ممكن
وعليه انصح بتطبيق هذا الاتكيت حرفيا للفائدة وحيث ان امم العالم لو التفتت لمدى الفائدة لطبقتها في دولهم ولكن هيهات لدول العالم ان تصل الى مدى التقدم والازدهار وحقوق الانسان الموجودة في عوالمنا الشرق اوسطية فعلى سبيل المثال لو عرفوا فائدة ختان الاناث وفهموها لقاموا بتطبقها ولكن للاسف الجهل والتخلف منتشر في بلدانهم المظلمة مثل اليابان واوربا ومجاهل اميركا الشمالية
مهزلة ان يصل التخلف الى هذا الحد من السعي في سبيل حرمان المرأة من حقوقها الدينية والمدنية والانسانية.
ايفان الدراجي تعرض صورة لطفل عراقي ممتليء بالحياة ومبتسم لها مع هذه الكلمات:

" من قال ان الرغيف يصنع الحياة ؟؟"
لا يتكلم عنها ولا يعرفها الا الذين فقدوها,
فـ " لا يمكن معرفة الشيء الابوجود نقيضة "
تستمر الفنانة هند في عرض اللوحات الفنية العراقية والعالمية وهنا نشاهد احدى لوحات الفنان جيفري بدريك :

فائزة الاعرجي وهي تقيم دراستها الحالية في امريكا ضمن مقالة جديدة تحت عنوان العلم نور والجهل ظلمات:
بالنسبة لي وجدت حلاوة الدراسه وانا كبيرة , ليست مملة كما كنت اجدها وانا صغيرة في العشرين من عمري حين درست الهندسه في جامعة بغداد , كنت احس ان الدراسه واجب ثقيل ينبغي ان انجزه حتى اخذ شهاده جامعيه وهي بطاقة دخول للعمل وتكوين أسرة ومستقبل
الان انظر للدراسه بطريقه مختلفه تماما , الدراسه علم ومعرفه وقوة ونور تدفع الانسان للامام وتعطيه فرصه ليكون اكثر فاعليه في مجتمعه ...
ممكن ان تفيده شخصيا في تطوير قدراته ومهاراته وايضا تزيده فهما للعالم من حوله , وممكن ان يشرح للاخرين ماذا تعلم , ان كانوا مستعدين للاستماع , هذه مشكله اخرى, بعض الناس لا يحبون الاستماع , يظنون انفسهم عباقرة ويعرفون كل شيء
أظن هذه مؤشر على الغباء وضيق الافق
Some English Update
I'm leaving on holiday for a month and my colleague Dr. Viola will be fully in charge of this blog as much as her time and study will allow.
And on this occasion, I would like to say that this site will remain independent and impartial in its approach and avoid adopting political positions lead to division and hatred.Our goal will be to make this site a house dominated by compassion, love and solidarity plus mutual assistance for all the Iraqi bloggers who respect the word and its important role in building a prosperous Iraq in which all its citizens can live free and dignified lives.
I say this and I wish Hope, Abundance and Prosperity for all, ALLAH willing.
Skies in "A Kiss to Mankind" talks about many thnigs including a book written by Dr. Malik Al Mutalibi:
hesitated to buy his book. Malik Al Mutalibi is a well known poet, university professor, and a literary critic that writes in a very classic Arabic. I don’t understand most of his writings but that old man of that small library near the garage told me with his husky voice: “you should have it, it is a pleasure to read”. He rarely says that to me. I looked at the book and it is so elegant and with a clever cover and what a title: “the Abandoned Excavations of the Unconscious”.
Attawie has a good news:
Today I received my MBA (General Management) degree from the States, finally! I've been waiting since April. I got an A for my thesis and a GPA of 3.67 *bows for applause
IraqPundit in his post "More on the Upcoming Vote" says:
A lot of Iraqis predict that Nouri Al Maliki will win the January election. They say he has done well, Iraq is much more stable now. Al Maliki has chosen the middle ground and made it his own. His government is kind of secular, as liquor flows freely and so on. But before Al Maliki gets too comfortable with that possiblity, he should listen to what at least some Baghdadis are saying.
These are a few of my favourite things and an attempt to explor the outside world by her beautiful cat:

Nibras Kazimi at Talisman Gate writes about what he calls the "Iraqi Madoff":
First there was Bernie Madoff, then there was the 'Lebanese Madoff', and now there's an 'Iraqi Madoff.'
Real name: Abdel-Zahra al-Shalooshi (from Nassiriyah). Damages: $25 million. Victims: allegedly 1,200 Iraqi families in Michigan. Scam: take your money and invest it in Iraq. Political affiliations: Nouri al-Maliki's office, Sherwan al-Wa'ili. Political Recriminations: Maliki's people allege this is a media plot by Adel Abdel-Mahdi to make the PM look bad.
Also Nibras Kazimi has a nice things to say about someone, for a change as he puts it:
That someone is Ambassador Christopher Hill in Baghdad. He's been the target of a smear campaign as of late.
MixMax posts about "Dancing in Central Station of Antwerp":

Last year in March, a group of 200 dancers emerged out of nowhere in Central Station of Belgian city of Antwerp and started dancing on the "sound of music" melody plyaing out from the speakers at the different corners of the big hall. It is in fact a some sort of promotion to the musical by the same name.
Marsho continues posting almost on daily basis and this time, it's all about "Age of Empire 3 - Ichabod Crane":
Wait! Don't let the subject drift your mind far...absolutely not! I don't play this game and I am not a fan of it either. To me, it is not a female sort of game. My husband spend hours playing this medieval period game. I get sick of it every time I hear swords clash and revolutions huzzah. The more he plays it the more I get in love with the themes music...One of them has grabbed my attention reluctantly and made me fall in love with it.
And after 90 minutes of search and investigation, Marsho got the facts right but she still seeking help:
The music is given a name as : Last name Crane, Ichabod. I have read about Ichabod Crane also. But the thing is that I am still looking for the name of the band who sang this short song, I didn't come to an end and I am so curious to know. Any help?
Finally, Marsho is encouraging people to check out the video which she has a link to it on her blog:
Check out the video, you will like the music. If I were in Iraq and still using my cellphone; I would have put it as my ring tone ;P
Karwan at The Day Before Yesterday has a hole in his soul:
Today, I have said ‘Yes’ and I really don’t wish to say yes. I will leave behind (in my thoughts only as of now), memories, dreams, sadness, hopes, and opportunities. I think with myself, what I have done, why never planned ahead.
He concludes by saying:
Yes, for now, I can’t dream, for now, I can’t have hope, for now, I only wait, and wait, and watch others dreaming, hoping, what kind of pain is that to not able to dream? My heart is aching; I have to start all over again.
Son of Tigris has the following “Magic GIANT 12-Surface IQ Pentagon – Fantastic Edition” for $49.90:

He explains:
This is the most perfect for your Left & Right Brain Training. Let’s GRAB and CHALLENGE it!
In his most recent post, Son of Tigris focuses on leggings which melt away cellulite as clearly shown, in the following diagram:

Nadia at the Art Tray and her Messengers of love are promoting love in all directions:

My {birds} are happily delivering love letters in all directions North, South, East and West.I can only imagine LOVE birds colorful and bright like that.
Touta in "Memorable Mistakes" counts her seven sins:
Making fun of Hussam
I used to hate him and his greased hair and sleazy bedroom eyes in his music videos.But after hearing his songs at every possible turn, i gave up, and thought; 'what the hell, this hussam guy can sing!'.
Platonic doesnt exist
After the few initial first lonely days in Baghdad, I made new friends, since my childhood friends all seem to have moved. Unfortunatley, i learnt friendliness has its price.
Never stay in the room with your aunts and mum
i did once, and now i realise the folly of it. It was in the international zone, but i dont recall much of that day apart from waiting endlessly bored for my father.
Never enter a room full of foreigners in your homeland
i did once, and now i realise the folly of it.
You can't handle the truth
I'm a terrible liar, and its because of that, I cannot be bothered to lie. I'd have to remember the lie anyway, and to tell you the truth, my memory resembles that of a senile 98 year old granny.
Sleepy Street
I know walking around in daylight in your pajamas isn't the 'norm'. But I've done it before in countries ranging from Turkey, to the UK.I have family (grandparents, aunt, uncle) that each live around two houses away in Baghdad.They rang, i sprawled out of bed, and decided to make my way to their house in my pajamas. They were nice modest comfortable pajamas.On walking through the door, and seeing their faces, I made a quick mental assesment of wondering who i had murdered.
Freedom in Iraq
I admit it, my parents give me the independence i argue for. But woe befall me should i mention the freedom i do get to other iraqi families. Then everyone else ends up thinking I am either some poor neglected child, or that i am a hardcore rebel punk.
Iraqi Mojo has a question "Was it worth it?" to which he puts the following answer:
One thing that’s changed, and for the better, is that Saddam Hussein is gone for good, along with his murderous tyranny, and that 25 or 30 million Iraqis are no longer subject to the sickening extremities of state-sponsored brutality — the Murder Inc. — that were the hallmark of his quarter-century in power. That, of course, has become a commonplace point for those who argue, still, that all in all it’s been worthwhile despite the appalling costs that those who committed allied troops to the invasion of 2003 seemed not to have factored into their calculations.
Sunshine has "So MuCh FuN" which she starts by saying:
Hello friends, I've been in Baghdad and I didn't have time to use the computer, I was busy preparing for Eid, we also have several apportionments with Doctors, as you know the laboratories and doctors in Baghdad are much better than those in mosul.my mom did some tests she is doing fine now .
Then she introduce her Bundle Of News such as:
To avoid the crowded streets we didn't go out of the neighborhood except few times, We went to al Rubaii street before Eid (my favorite place in Baghdad), and in the day after Eid we had dinner in a nice restaurant called Saysaban, which I like so much.Then after Eid, we went shopping .. and that's all ..
When I came back to mosul, I applied for collage, and we'll get the approval results after 3 weeks.
Few days ago, we were invited to a friend's Nishan party. next week, we'll attend another relative's wedding, and after two weeks my family and I will attend a Nishan party of my dear friend and relative, gorgeous Najma.
والذي اود قوله بهذه المناسبة هو ان هذا الموقع سيبقى محافظاً على نهجه في الاستقلالية والحيادية وعدم تبني اية مواقف سياسية تؤدي الى الفرقة والبغضاء وسيكون هدفنا هو جعل هذا الموقع بيتاً تسوده الألفة والمحبة والتضامن والتآزر ولكافة المدونين العراقيين الذين يحترمون الكلمة و دورها الهام في بناء عراق مزدهر يتمتع فيه جميع مواطنيه بحياة حرة كريمة.
اقول قولي هذا واتمنى للجميع الخير الوفير انشاء الله.
انتقل الى رحمة الله الواسعة المرحوم ابا نهاد صاحب مدونةجان نهاد حيث نعاه صديقه الوفي الاخ صباح يونس بالكلمات التالية:
ببالغ الاسى والاسف رحل عنا الاخ والصديق الوفي ابو نهاد على اثر اصابته بجلطه قلبيه صباح اليوم وفاضت روحه الى ربها وبناءا على توصيته لي وتكليفي ان اكتب الخبر في مكتوب ومدونته وكان يلح على هذا الامر لهذا اديت الامانه (وان لله وان اليه راجعون ) وقال اريد من كل من يزور صفحتي ان يقرأ عليا سورة الفاتحه ,,,اخر كلماته كانت قال ان صمت رهيب يحاصرني عندي الكثير لكي اتكلم ولكنني لااستطيع كان قدري ان اعيش في صمت واحزن ولكن لااريد ان اموت في صمت ,,,,سابكيك ياابو نهاد العمر كله انا ايضا كما كنت تقول عن نهاد ستلتقى بنهاد ولن تبكي بعد اليوم لقد تركت البكاء لي رحمك الله ايها الصديق الوفي والاخ
فراقك سيكون صعب لي ,اخوك وصديقك صباح يونس
تقبل الله الفقيد المرحوم ابا نهاد في رحمته الواسعة واسكنه فسيح جناته والهم اهله ومحبيه الصبر والسلوان وانا لله وانا اليه راجعون.
.وكان آخر مانشره الفقيد هو سطور قليلة تحت عنوان مناجاة حيث تضمنت التالي
أحتمال ان يغرس احدهم شوكا في جسدك او ان يغرس انيابه في قلبك محتمل جدا او ان يضحك لأنك تبكي,فترى دنياك شديدة القسوه محتمل جدا ايضا ان يهجمك عدو بانياب ضاربه في لحظه مباغته فترى الدنيا غابه موحشه او متوحشه حينها تسال نفسك ,,,ماذا فعلت مع كل هولاء الناس ,,ولكن الاجابه معروفه ,,لم اكن سوى انسانا طيبا وواضحا وبسيطا,ولكن النتيجه تحتار في واقعك الغريب وتكون من الخاسرين كما جرى معي.....؟؟؟ ورغم ذلك تبقى انت كبيرا وما هولاء الا نموذج من قبيح البشر ان للكون رب لاتاخذه سنه ولانوم يراك من حيث لاتراه يعلم بخفايا النفوس ويجيب دعوة المظلوم والمضطرب اذا دعاه او لجاء اليه,,,,لان في حياتنا الكثير من البشر ممكن ان ننصدم بهم ,,؟؟؟
رحم الله من قرا السورةالمباركة الفاتحة
احتفى المدونون العراقيون من على مدوناتهم بحلول عيد الفطر السعيد وكما نرى في المواقع التالية: الروح العراقية، يوميات مغتربة، التجارة الألكترونية والتسويق الشبكي، الكاتبة العراقية د. وجدان الخشاب، نوفل، من قطرات الكاتبة عبير عبد الغفور ويالله عيني سولفلنا.
لايسعنا سوى ان نقول للجميع مرة اخرى كل عام وانتم بخير واعاده الله عليكم باليمن والبركة والافراح الدائمة.
عودة متحف الفن العراقي المعاصر من جديد ونبذة عن حياة الفنان العراقي عبد القادر الرسام:
عبد القادر الرسام (1882 - 1952)هو رسّام عراقي ولد في بغداد ودرس الفن إلى جانب العلوم العسكرية في المدرسة الحربية في اسطنبول , اشتهر في اسلوبه الكلاسيكي في رسم المناظر الطبيعية واحيانا التي يتخللها اشخاص متاثرا بفن الاوربي واستخدامه الالوان المقتضبة والداكنة والتاكيد على الظل والضوء والدقة في رسم التفاصيل .
همسات دافئة تكتب عن الغروب فتقول:
ها هو الغروب جاء معلناً نهاية فصل النور
فقد تم احتضار الوقت
ببطيء شديد
لينشر َ للــ وجود خبره العاجل
و صمت ٌ تطرق ُ له الروح
بــ ألم
في زاوية ما من ذاكرتي
يقبع ُ الظلام كــ سكين حديد
من قطرات الكاتبة عبير عبد الغفور وهي تكتب شذراتها محتفلة بعيد الفطر المبارك حيث تتضمن بعضاً مــما تعتبره اجمل الكلمات التــي قرأتــهاهي:
* اليــوم والليلة صفحة من صفحات حياتك فأكتب بها ماتشــاء .
* لا تكـــن الـــرأس في كـــل الامــور … لان الـــرأس كثيــر الاوجاع
* ليــس المهــم كيف تمســك القلم ولكــن المهــم كيف تكتــب بــه
* العقل خــير صاحب والادب خيــر ميــراث والثقــة بالنفس جوهــرة البطولـــة
* اجمـــل مافي النخلة انها توحي الى العظمـــة والشمـــوخ
* اقـــوى ريـــاح ريـــاح الحــق
* اول الغضب جنون واخــره نـــدم
* قائـــد الامم اخــلاقها وطباعهـا لاحكومتها
* الزمــن كعقارب الســاعة لايرجــع الى الــوراء .
نوفل فيما يعتبره اجمل ماقيل من شعر في عيد الفطر وهو قول الشاعر البحتري مادحاً المعتصم:
بالبر صمت وأنــــــت أفضل صائم ... و بسنة الله الرضية تفطـــــــــر
فانـــعــم بــــيوم الفطر عيدا انه ... يوم أغـــر من الزمـــــان مشهر
د. وجدان الخشاب وهي تعرض بعضاً من صورها:
مدونة بغداد تنشر صوراً لمترو ُدبي الذي افتتح مؤخراً وتحت عنوان مليء بالامل المشروع في رؤيه شبيهه او احسن منه في بغداد الحبيبة:
مترو دبي - ننتظر مترو بغداد
التجارة الالكترونية والتسويق الشبكي وخبر عن قيام جامعة الكوفة بتنظيم ندوة بخصوص التجارة الالكترونية في العراق وقد جاء فيه:
قامت جامعة الكوفة ندوة علمية بشأن التجارة الالكترونية بعنوان (التجارة الالكترونية في العراق فرص وتحديات) على قاعة رئاسة الجامعة الكبرى.
وقال ليث محمد رضا مدير مركز الحاسبة الالكترونية بجامعة الكوفة " ان الهدف من اقامة هذه الندوة تسليط الضوء على مفاهيم التجارة الالكترونية التقنية والأسس التي ترتكز عليها واليات التعامل التجاري الالكتروني وسبل الارتقاء والتطوير المتاحة للنهوض بواقع التجارة الالكترونية".
و تضمنت الندوة عدة محاور منها المحور التكنولوجي الذي سلط الضوء على معظم مفاهيم التجارة الالكترونية وسبل الارتقاء والتطوير المتاحة للنهوض بواقع التجارة الالكترونية وحفظها من أيدي المتلاعبين والقراصنة
وفي موضوع لاحق تحت عنوان جامعيات يبتكرن وسائل للكسب السريع لقهر البطالة وملء فراغ الوقت جاء فيه:
ابتكرت مجموعة من الفتيات السعوديات طريقة جديدة لشغل أوقاتهن وتحسين أوضاعهن المادية، تكمن في استغلال مواقع التجمعات الإنترنتية النسائية بالترويج للمنتجات الخاصة غير المتوفرة في الأسواق المحلية مع عرض طريقة التواصل التي تسهل مهمة التفاوض بين التاجرة وعميلاتها والاستعلام عن كيفية تسليم المنتج المطلوب في الوقت المتفق عليه. وإن كان غالبية ما يعرض يشمل الفساتين والحقائب الجلدية المستوردة من لبنان وزيوت الشعر التي يحضرنها من الهند إضافة لكريمات التخسيس وتفتيح لون البشرة المجلوبة من شرق آسيا.
الحياة هي في مكان أخر ورنا كامل وهي تكتب عن نساء متوشحات بالسواد بين أبيها و أمها وقد ورد فيها:
بين أبي و أمي نساء متوشحات بالسواد و النميمة و درجات سلم قديم راسخة في
الأرض، هناك بينهما مقطوعات لموزارت و باخ
مجموعة أفلام مترشحة للأوسكار إختطفت مني فترات شرب الشاي الجماعي
و الأحاديث غير المجدية و غير المؤذية
يوميات مغتربة ومحررتها زهرة الراوي وهي تكتب عن موضوع مهم جداً تحت عنوان المدارس الأجنبية .. ولغة أولادنا جاء فيه:
المؤسف والمحطم للقلب أن البنات العربيات لا يعرفن الكتابة ولا القراءة بلغتهن الأم!!! يعني لديهم الحد الأدنى فقط من المعرفة بهذ اللغة، ويؤسفني القول أنهن لسن فطحل بالإنجليزية لكن أعطيهن جيد جداً رغم أن حلم الأهالي كان أن يتحدثن الإنجليزية كأهلها، أماعندما جلبت لهن قصص جميلة باللغة العربية البسيطة (قصص من قصصنا ونحن صغار مالت دائرة الثقافة العراقية) واجهن صعوبة بالغة في القراءة، يستطعن التهجي لكنهن يدمجن الكلمات أحياناً، وهذا فقط القراءة بينما فهم ما قرأن كان يساوي 1% !
رؤى تشكيلية و مقدمة البرامج والفنانة رؤى البازركان وهي تعرض عدداً من اللوحات التشكيلية الغنية بالوانها تحت عنوان وجوه:

ميس الخالدي في عمل ابداعي جديد:

يواصل الباحث أمير جبار الساعدي ومن على مدونته الروح العراقية عرض ترجمتة لكتاب أربعة حروب والعد مستمر إعادة النظر في المعنى الأستراتيجي للحرب على العراق لمؤلفه أنتوني . كورد سمان حيث ورد في جانب منه:
كانت الولايات المتحدة والتحالف "متفاجئأن بالمحتوم". وكتب الصحفيون والمحللون ممن لا تجربة لهم بالحرب غير المتكافئة تقارير حول الاستراتيجيات والتكتيكات الجديدة والمتطورة وهي طرق ثبت جدواها فعلاً، وتقارير اخرى عن تكتيكات جديدة استغلها أنصار النظام السابق بشكل ما منذ سقوط النظام. وتجدر الأشارة أنه ليس الحرب غير المتكافئة وحدها التي ترتكز على استغلال ضعف أي عدو لكن النجاح يرتكز على التغيير المستمر لمجموعة من التكتيكات التي تشكل الأستراتيجية العامة وبذلك تتقلص نسبة التعرض للهجوم وفي نفس الوقت استغلال المناطق التي يتركها العدو مكشوفة.
يستمر البرجوازي العراقي في تناول المواضيع الشيقة ومنها عرضه مجموعة من الصور الجوية لبلدنا الغالي العراق وقد طلب المساعدة لتحديد مواقع بعضاً من هذه الصور الجميل والتي منها هذه الصورة لفندق بابل الواقع في بغداد كرادة خارج:

وفي موضوع لاحق يكتب متهكماً البرجوازي العراقي عن:
اتكيت الانترنت الاسلامي في السعودية

لم يخطر على بالي ولا لحظة واحدة ان هذا المستوى من التطور ممكن
وعليه انصح بتطبيق هذا الاتكيت حرفيا للفائدة وحيث ان امم العالم لو التفتت لمدى الفائدة لطبقتها في دولهم ولكن هيهات لدول العالم ان تصل الى مدى التقدم والازدهار وحقوق الانسان الموجودة في عوالمنا الشرق اوسطية فعلى سبيل المثال لو عرفوا فائدة ختان الاناث وفهموها لقاموا بتطبقها ولكن للاسف الجهل والتخلف منتشر في بلدانهم المظلمة مثل اليابان واوربا ومجاهل اميركا الشمالية
مهزلة ان يصل التخلف الى هذا الحد من السعي في سبيل حرمان المرأة من حقوقها الدينية والمدنية والانسانية.
ايفان الدراجي تعرض صورة لطفل عراقي ممتليء بالحياة ومبتسم لها مع هذه الكلمات:

" من قال ان الرغيف يصنع الحياة ؟؟"
لا يتكلم عنها ولا يعرفها الا الذين فقدوها,
فـ " لا يمكن معرفة الشيء الابوجود نقيضة "
تستمر الفنانة هند في عرض اللوحات الفنية العراقية والعالمية وهنا نشاهد احدى لوحات الفنان جيفري بدريك :

فائزة الاعرجي وهي تقيم دراستها الحالية في امريكا ضمن مقالة جديدة تحت عنوان العلم نور والجهل ظلمات:
بالنسبة لي وجدت حلاوة الدراسه وانا كبيرة , ليست مملة كما كنت اجدها وانا صغيرة في العشرين من عمري حين درست الهندسه في جامعة بغداد , كنت احس ان الدراسه واجب ثقيل ينبغي ان انجزه حتى اخذ شهاده جامعيه وهي بطاقة دخول للعمل وتكوين أسرة ومستقبل
الان انظر للدراسه بطريقه مختلفه تماما , الدراسه علم ومعرفه وقوة ونور تدفع الانسان للامام وتعطيه فرصه ليكون اكثر فاعليه في مجتمعه ...
ممكن ان تفيده شخصيا في تطوير قدراته ومهاراته وايضا تزيده فهما للعالم من حوله , وممكن ان يشرح للاخرين ماذا تعلم , ان كانوا مستعدين للاستماع , هذه مشكله اخرى, بعض الناس لا يحبون الاستماع , يظنون انفسهم عباقرة ويعرفون كل شيء
أظن هذه مؤشر على الغباء وضيق الافق
Some English Update
I'm leaving on holiday for a month and my colleague Dr. Viola will be fully in charge of this blog as much as her time and study will allow.
And on this occasion, I would like to say that this site will remain independent and impartial in its approach and avoid adopting political positions lead to division and hatred.Our goal will be to make this site a house dominated by compassion, love and solidarity plus mutual assistance for all the Iraqi bloggers who respect the word and its important role in building a prosperous Iraq in which all its citizens can live free and dignified lives.
I say this and I wish Hope, Abundance and Prosperity for all, ALLAH willing.
Skies in "A Kiss to Mankind" talks about many thnigs including a book written by Dr. Malik Al Mutalibi:
hesitated to buy his book. Malik Al Mutalibi is a well known poet, university professor, and a literary critic that writes in a very classic Arabic. I don’t understand most of his writings but that old man of that small library near the garage told me with his husky voice: “you should have it, it is a pleasure to read”. He rarely says that to me. I looked at the book and it is so elegant and with a clever cover and what a title: “the Abandoned Excavations of the Unconscious”.
Attawie has a good news:
Today I received my MBA (General Management) degree from the States, finally! I've been waiting since April. I got an A for my thesis and a GPA of 3.67 *bows for applause
IraqPundit in his post "More on the Upcoming Vote" says:
A lot of Iraqis predict that Nouri Al Maliki will win the January election. They say he has done well, Iraq is much more stable now. Al Maliki has chosen the middle ground and made it his own. His government is kind of secular, as liquor flows freely and so on. But before Al Maliki gets too comfortable with that possiblity, he should listen to what at least some Baghdadis are saying.
These are a few of my favourite things and an attempt to explor the outside world by her beautiful cat:

Nibras Kazimi at Talisman Gate writes about what he calls the "Iraqi Madoff":
First there was Bernie Madoff, then there was the 'Lebanese Madoff', and now there's an 'Iraqi Madoff.'
Real name: Abdel-Zahra al-Shalooshi (from Nassiriyah). Damages: $25 million. Victims: allegedly 1,200 Iraqi families in Michigan. Scam: take your money and invest it in Iraq. Political affiliations: Nouri al-Maliki's office, Sherwan al-Wa'ili. Political Recriminations: Maliki's people allege this is a media plot by Adel Abdel-Mahdi to make the PM look bad.
Also Nibras Kazimi has a nice things to say about someone, for a change as he puts it:
That someone is Ambassador Christopher Hill in Baghdad. He's been the target of a smear campaign as of late.
MixMax posts about "Dancing in Central Station of Antwerp":
Last year in March, a group of 200 dancers emerged out of nowhere in Central Station of Belgian city of Antwerp and started dancing on the "sound of music" melody plyaing out from the speakers at the different corners of the big hall. It is in fact a some sort of promotion to the musical by the same name.
Marsho continues posting almost on daily basis and this time, it's all about "Age of Empire 3 - Ichabod Crane":
Wait! Don't let the subject drift your mind far...absolutely not! I don't play this game and I am not a fan of it either. To me, it is not a female sort of game. My husband spend hours playing this medieval period game. I get sick of it every time I hear swords clash and revolutions huzzah. The more he plays it the more I get in love with the themes music...One of them has grabbed my attention reluctantly and made me fall in love with it.
And after 90 minutes of search and investigation, Marsho got the facts right but she still seeking help:
The music is given a name as : Last name Crane, Ichabod. I have read about Ichabod Crane also. But the thing is that I am still looking for the name of the band who sang this short song, I didn't come to an end and I am so curious to know. Any help?
Finally, Marsho is encouraging people to check out the video which she has a link to it on her blog:
Check out the video, you will like the music. If I were in Iraq and still using my cellphone; I would have put it as my ring tone ;P
Karwan at The Day Before Yesterday has a hole in his soul:
Today, I have said ‘Yes’ and I really don’t wish to say yes. I will leave behind (in my thoughts only as of now), memories, dreams, sadness, hopes, and opportunities. I think with myself, what I have done, why never planned ahead.
He concludes by saying:
Yes, for now, I can’t dream, for now, I can’t have hope, for now, I only wait, and wait, and watch others dreaming, hoping, what kind of pain is that to not able to dream? My heart is aching; I have to start all over again.
Son of Tigris has the following “Magic GIANT 12-Surface IQ Pentagon – Fantastic Edition” for $49.90:
He explains:
This is the most perfect for your Left & Right Brain Training. Let’s GRAB and CHALLENGE it!
In his most recent post, Son of Tigris focuses on leggings which melt away cellulite as clearly shown, in the following diagram:
Nadia at the Art Tray and her Messengers of love are promoting love in all directions:
My {birds} are happily delivering love letters in all directions North, South, East and West.I can only imagine LOVE birds colorful and bright like that.
Touta in "Memorable Mistakes" counts her seven sins:
Making fun of Hussam
I used to hate him and his greased hair and sleazy bedroom eyes in his music videos.But after hearing his songs at every possible turn, i gave up, and thought; 'what the hell, this hussam guy can sing!'.
Platonic doesnt exist
After the few initial first lonely days in Baghdad, I made new friends, since my childhood friends all seem to have moved. Unfortunatley, i learnt friendliness has its price.
Never stay in the room with your aunts and mum
i did once, and now i realise the folly of it. It was in the international zone, but i dont recall much of that day apart from waiting endlessly bored for my father.
Never enter a room full of foreigners in your homeland
i did once, and now i realise the folly of it.
You can't handle the truth
I'm a terrible liar, and its because of that, I cannot be bothered to lie. I'd have to remember the lie anyway, and to tell you the truth, my memory resembles that of a senile 98 year old granny.
Sleepy Street
I know walking around in daylight in your pajamas isn't the 'norm'. But I've done it before in countries ranging from Turkey, to the UK.I have family (grandparents, aunt, uncle) that each live around two houses away in Baghdad.They rang, i sprawled out of bed, and decided to make my way to their house in my pajamas. They were nice modest comfortable pajamas.On walking through the door, and seeing their faces, I made a quick mental assesment of wondering who i had murdered.
Freedom in Iraq
I admit it, my parents give me the independence i argue for. But woe befall me should i mention the freedom i do get to other iraqi families. Then everyone else ends up thinking I am either some poor neglected child, or that i am a hardcore rebel punk.
Iraqi Mojo has a question "Was it worth it?" to which he puts the following answer:
One thing that’s changed, and for the better, is that Saddam Hussein is gone for good, along with his murderous tyranny, and that 25 or 30 million Iraqis are no longer subject to the sickening extremities of state-sponsored brutality — the Murder Inc. — that were the hallmark of his quarter-century in power. That, of course, has become a commonplace point for those who argue, still, that all in all it’s been worthwhile despite the appalling costs that those who committed allied troops to the invasion of 2003 seemed not to have factored into their calculations.
Sunshine has "So MuCh FuN" which she starts by saying:
Hello friends, I've been in Baghdad and I didn't have time to use the computer, I was busy preparing for Eid, we also have several apportionments with Doctors, as you know the laboratories and doctors in Baghdad are much better than those in mosul.my mom did some tests she is doing fine now .
Then she introduce her Bundle Of News such as:
To avoid the crowded streets we didn't go out of the neighborhood except few times, We went to al Rubaii street before Eid (my favorite place in Baghdad), and in the day after Eid we had dinner in a nice restaurant called Saysaban, which I like so much.Then after Eid, we went shopping .. and that's all ..
When I came back to mosul, I applied for collage, and we'll get the approval results after 3 weeks.
Few days ago, we were invited to a friend's Nishan party. next week, we'll attend another relative's wedding, and after two weeks my family and I will attend a Nishan party of my dear friend and relative, gorgeous Najma.
Iraqi Bloggers,
المدونون العراقيون
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